California Assemblyman calls for state budget surplus to be refunded to taxpayers – IOTW Report

California Assemblyman calls for state budget surplus to be refunded to taxpayers

KFI: State Assemblyman Matthew Harper (R-Huntington Beach) is calling on the California Legislature to give back the state’s expected budget surplus to the taxpayers.

A report from the Legislative Analysts Office shows that California will have a surplus of $7.5 billion for the upcoming fiscal year. Harper said in a press release:

“This surplus is a direct result of Capitol Democrats overtaxing hardworking Californians. The California State Income Tax should be abolished and if the Democrats that dominate the Legislature won’t do that, then they should at least work with Republicans to decrease rates for all taxpayers. Rather than expanding an ever-growing list of government programs, our leaders should figure out a way to return that money to the people who earned in the first place.”  Read more

14 Comments on California Assemblyman calls for state budget surplus to be refunded to taxpayers

  1. And why not ?
    The money belongs to the people,
    And not the government.
    Cherry Brown-nose
    Thinks differently.
    California has a historic opportunity to
    Look out for its people
    But they won’t because
    Crypto-Communist Cherry Brown
    Hates the middle class.

  2. Since California refuses to enforce federal law, it is only fair that all federal funds be withheld.

    Jerry Brown should be indicted and held on a $7.5 Billion dollar bond.

  3. That would be fine to “give” the taxpayers’ money back, but it would be a big redistribution con unless they can figure out who overpaid and is owed. Further, if this proposal really came up in the state legislature you can be sure every grifting state agency and sketchy state charity will contest the refund and have their hands out. No state should be able to keep what they call a “rainy day” fund. Usually those overpaid taxes go into the general fund and have terrible auditing processes or no legislative approval for their disbursement. This is at the heart of most of the fiscal fraud in state gov’ts.

  4. Cato — I’m 100% with you on withholding federal taxpayer funding to noncomplying states. Why should the general populace pay money to a state with zero accountability? They shouldn’t.

  5. @RottyLover- see the movie ELYSIUM. it could have been filmed there or close by.

    Interesting: re Republicans starting to speak up, in CA; Another Trumpinator double edge sword blow to the left?

    A super plan dropping the major tax break the hypocritical left hates, which now allows the blue states to continue their march to communism, at the expense of sane Americans.

    Now conservatives in those states can campaign using the Trump tax bill, (providing they are smart enough, which is a ‘yuge’ proviso for republicans).

  6. That happened in Minnesota last year, but the only people screaming to “give it back” were the taxpayers. The government? They were gleefully leafing through the Sears catalog picking out what they wanted to spend the money on. Yup. So glad I’m gone.

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