FBI Agent dragged through Atlanta neighborhood by suspect’s truck – IOTW Report

FBI Agent dragged through Atlanta neighborhood by suspect’s truck

FOX: An FBI agent was injured Friday when he got caught on a truck being driven by a suspect he was chasing, subsequently getting dragged through an Atlanta suburb, officials said.

Kevin Rowson, an FBI spokesman, said the incident occurred in Sandy Springs, which borders Atlanta on the city’s north side.

The agent, who was not identified, was attempting to arrest a man in the lobby of a hotel. The suspect, who was not immediately identified, was reportedly involved in a gang investigation.

“This suspect had been indicted but was the only one who had not been arrested yet,” Rowson said.

The suspect fled from the officer and tried to get away in a truck.

“The agent tried to stop the suspect from fleeing in the vehicle and somehow got caught up in the vehicle and got dragged by the suspect,” Rowson said. “At that point, the agent felt that his life was in danger, so he shot the suspect.”

The suspect and agent returned to the hotel where he was apprehended. Both men were taken to a hospital.

Rowson said the FBI agent’s injuries were not considered life-threatening. The suspect was wounded but his condition was not known, AJC reported.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

11 Comments on FBI Agent dragged through Atlanta neighborhood by suspect’s truck

  1. 👮 THE RANK AND FILE FBI AGENTS ARE TERRIFIC AMERICANS!👮 -it’s just the D.C. FBI that is corrupt.

    ▪️ I don’t believe a single word of that propaganda, for a New York minute. So corrupt leadership magically (somehow) creates an organization of non-corrupt people? I don’t think so.

    👮 The corruptness of the FBI is legendary. The Boys Town scandal in the 80s involved the FBI who basically covered up and intimidated child witnesses, then didn’t investigate pilots who didn’t care about landing planes before 911, then told a facebook “Draw Mohammad” citizen to basically, “Run for your life.” –The list is long and deep.

    ▪️ Unfortunately, the American people feel like they have to choose between:
    -Criminal violent street thugs
    -Criminal corrupt law-enforcement agents

    ▪️ Why choose sides? I have the right to be armed and the right to defend myself, why do I need to out-source my security to the government and root for them all the time?

    The only sorrow I feel is that corrupt met corrupter and there was violence. Too bad it has to be that way.

  2. America’s Best and Brightest™ — with guns:

    “I’m being dragged. By a truck. I fear for my life. Hey! I know. I’ll shoot the driver. Inside the truck. That’s dragging me. Why, it’s brilliant!”

    (Oh, please, officer — Let me buy you another box o’ bullets. To go with that sammich. That I just had to make you. To avoid being shot.)

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