Bundy Case Dismissed, Judge Orders Rancher Released – IOTW Report

Bundy Case Dismissed, Judge Orders Rancher Released

Daily Caller- U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro ruled Monday the case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy would be dismissed “with prejudice,” and ordered the rancher set free after federal prosecutors willfully withheld exculpatory evidence during the 2017 trial.

Navarro ruled a mistrial in the Bundy case last month after prosecutors “willful[ly]” withheld exculpatory evidence favorable to the four men on trial: Cliven Bundy, his two sons and one other person. The judge found that prosecutors had violated the defendant’s civil rights and violated federal law by hiding evidence from the court.

After the mistrial, Navarro set a Jan. 8 date to decide whether the case against Bundy would be retried or dismissed “with prejudice,” barring a retrial over the same charges.

Prosecutors requested the court grant another trial against the Bundys, calling their missteps and violations “inadvertent.”  more

19 Comments on Bundy Case Dismissed, Judge Orders Rancher Released

  1. “But because the government neither flagrantly violated nor recklessly disregarded its obligations, the appropriate remedy for such violations is a new trial.”

    We just accidentally forgot to turn over pertinent information in discovery. Could happen to anyone.

  2. “The judge found that prosecutors had violated the defendant’s civil rights and violated federal law by hiding evidence from the court.”

    So when should we expect the arraignment of the federal prosecutors?

  3. JURY NULLIFICATION–it’s not just for liberals.

    The gov’t and FBI just have no credibility left anymore. Every screw-up, they get a pass to try again, and everyone else is held to an impossible standard with no forgiveness at all.

    The police and FBI can lie to you, but you say, “It’s sunny today, NO! I mean it’s cloudy!” –nope, you lied, that’s a felony.

  4. Those BLM bastids need to run a gauntlet with a bunch of folk with cattle prods, they way they tortured that poor man’s cattle.
    Those that fall are fair game to be pulled into the crowd.

  5. At the turn of the century this would have been the expected ruling. But with all the progressive/liberal judges appointed the last 7 years this is an UNexpected ruling. Hopefully the conservatives put on the bench in ’17 will again make rulings like this “the norm”.

  6. SOP for the usual suspects for well nigh on 40 years, the only surprise is that they didn’t railroad some poor schlubs after yet another murder/terror spree a la ruby ridge. Be assured though, no government agent will lose their job, their pension or pay any price whatsoever.

  7. Its only a lie if its a conservative.
    I am on Jury duty this quarter and I have been struggling with the fact that Hillary, Huma and these assholes are walking around free men.

  8. FBI Agent Bretzing and Oregon’s lesbian Governor Kate Brown killed Finnicum on ValJars orders. Agents lied, Finnicum died and now justice is waiting. Obama belongs in SuperMax.

  9. Bittersweet, but justice for the Bundys has been won. Got to give credit to the Trump effect. Those Obama era procecutors must have known the case would end up reviewed by the Trump administration, eventually. The best they could do was cut and run.

  10. I agree with every poster and can only add “Thank you God, and Judge Navarro”. If prosecutorial misconduct can be declared in this case, why not in Hillary and Huma’s?

  11. Well, well, well, looks like things are coming around.
    Experts hired to present 3D animation of shots allegedly fired by FBI agent at LaVoy Finicum’s truck

    While this dude didn’t kill Lavoy, he was the one that initiated the gun fight by shooting into the pickup truck for no reason.
    One has to wonder if this is a result of the change in leadership at the presidential level encouraging honesty within the DOJ.
    Let’s hope so.

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