The DOJ and FBI Worked With Fusion GPS on “Operation Trump” – IOTW Report

The DOJ and FBI Worked With Fusion GPS on “Operation Trump”

CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE: Ever since the transcript of Fusion-GPS Co-Founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee was released by Senator Dianne Feinstein, several inquisitive media outlets have begun questioning the relationship between the FBI investigators, Glenn Simpson and dossier author Christopher Steele.

What we have discovered not only highlights the answer to that question, but it also answers a host of other questions, including: Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele?  Yes, but now how media thinks. Was the FBI connected to the creation of the Steele Dossier? Yes, but not in the way the media is currently outlining.  get the details


31 Comments on The DOJ and FBI Worked With Fusion GPS on “Operation Trump”

  1. I would clutch my pearls but all I can scrounge up is a flaccid ‘meh’. Malfeasance documented and then dismissed without consequence for this long will have that affect.

    This seems to be a continuing education process that our laws are selectively enforced.

    I believe I have matriculated. I get it.

  2. The FBI basically let anyone off the street come in and look around their files until Admiral Rogers told them to get the fuck out. How is the FBI building in DC not made into a prison right now?!
    0bama knew.

  3. Anyone who cares knew 13 months ago that it was GWB’s boy Johnny who delivered the “research” to the MSM! Of course it was a gov’t attack on Don! The “Establishment” hates the serfs!

  4. It doesn’t matter, none of it matters. Noone will pay any price & nothing will change unless politicians and bureaucrats suddenly become too fearful to go to work lest they become lamppost decorations. And that will never happen.

  5. MJA, you just know that Barky thought he was a better Director of National Intelligence than his Director of National Intelligence. He obviously thought he was a better architect than his library architect.

  6. Fusion was an FBI subcontractor until cut off by Admiral Rogers putting a stop to the FISA “query” abuse. That’s when Clinton et al began picking up the tab. Steele comes in, combines his and the FBI’s work, the FBI gets it to the court and off they go again.

    A perfect work-around to get past Roger’s order.

  7. Don’t let the Eyores rain on our parade. I strongly suspect that there is much more to this than what has been revealed. Cripes, it could also entail the Uranium One deal AND the DNC hacking/non-hacking and Seth Rich’s murder. And, with the restart on the Killery email investigation (and hUma and Weiner’s decision to stay married so they won’t have to testify against each other), maybe we’ll get to the bottom of her weird (cough, drug) “health” issues. A suspicious fire on the 7th floor of the State Dept., six billion missing dollars at State, and calling Cheryl Mills in to testify under oath — for starters.

  8. Dianny January 11, 2018 at 9:18 pm

    But, sure. Let’s all ignore this and instead report on how “sources” say Trump called certain countries shitholes.

    I never tire of Trump telling the truth. He hasn’t let the Americans people (believers) down yet. He’s down to earth like some of us and tells it like it is. I rather enjoy his bluntness, I like his get in their face attitude. He’s enjoying it too! Mexico is a shit hole that’s for sure!

  9. Ann Coulter is damn sure guilty of tying to tell which way the wind is blowing, then taking a position. She does not have the backbone that she wants everyone to believe. I don’t like her voice either.

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