‘New California’ Declares Independence From Rest of the State – IOTW Report

‘New California’ Declares Independence From Rest of the State

KFI:  Reading from their own version of a “Declaration of Independence,” a new group have taken what they’re calling the first steps to a new state cut out of California.

The founders of “New California” say they don’t want to leave the United States, just California. According to the declaration which was posted online:

With faith, diligence, and our sacred honor, we do hereby declare our Unity with Natural Law and the United States of America’s Constitution. We stand firm in our pledge to maintain and support the freedoms of the people of our Nation and New California at all times, at home and abroad. With God as our witness, honoring the foundational principles, we take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, to stand together as free citizens of New California, to be a sovereign state of that nation which we hold dear, the United States of America.

As we seek to remain a member of our Union, in order to form a more perfect Union we resolve to create the Free, Sovereign and Independent State of New California due to the past and current government of California having failed in their oath of office, obligations, and responsibilities as representatives of “We the People” to provide a republican form of government as guaranteed by Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution.  more here

34 Comments on ‘New California’ Declares Independence From Rest of the State

  1. Mr. Brad notwithstanding … they’re going to have a tough time using the West Virginia/Article IV, Section 4 argument … when Congress created West Virginia, Virginia was n declared, open rebellion against the United States
    …. maybe in a few years …. the way it’s going ….

  2. Illinoisans have threatened to separate themselves from Chicago for decades. Illinois would be solvent and much better state if that had taken place.

    But alas, Chicago and socialist/democrat political corruption has permeated the state just as it has in California. A separation will never happen.

  3. I just started hearing about this movement a couple weeks ago. But they re gaining traction FAST. Partly because all the Sheriffs in these counties seem to be backing the movement. Partly, I’m sure, because they’ve already told the state they won’t participate in their sanctuary stare bull shit.

  4. “Sooo, Moonbeam… What you gonna do about this?”

    I hope he sends the LA police force to my county. Check this out.

    A Socialists dream.

  5. Without supporting the welfare state and sanctuary cities then dumping all the stupid California regulations there should be plenty of money in New California to build a wall. And they will need one. Soon those two states would look like North and South Korea. A world of difference.

  6. We need to figure out how to get Davis Ca. into Old California. Right now its landlocked into New California.

    I’d say Sacramento, too, but there’s a very nice Capital building there all ready to go.
    Why waste natural resources.

  7. This new movement has always been called The State of Jefferson. There’s signs and billboards here and there on Hwy 99 from Sacramento North. We have water and plenty of land to grow what we want. We have power as well. We have two of the largest dams in the United States and we ship plenty of water down South for them to waste. My county voted for Trump and I’m surrounded by like minded people. There’s plenty up here in N. CA that are for dividing the State of CA. Sacramento will have to move its capital down to $hit hole LA where it belongs.

  8. Check out this kid grindall61 on youtube. He is a young kid that is fighting them, showing up at their meetings, exposing Agenda 21, SCAG, etc.

    If you live in California he is worth watching for sure.

  9. All Too Much January 16, 2018 at 7:48 pm

    We need to figure out how to get Davis Ca. into Old California. Right now its landlocked into New California.

    I’d say Sacramento, too, but there’s a very nice Capital building there all ready to go.
    Why waste natural resources.

    WTH would we do with San Francisco? The thorn in our side!

  10. Goldenfoxx

    The Jefferson movement seems to be stalled. Especially when you consider that movement was actually started back in 1941. But you are correct every county north of Sacramento went for Trump except Humbolt. So did most of the inland counties. The voter fraud in SoCal is mind blowing. More counties might help.

  11. “How does it mesh with the Jefferson XX secession movement?”

    Totally separate but if this has legs every Jefferson supporter will jump on board. I love it because we have the Delta.

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