House Intelligence Committee Votes To Reveal “The Big Ugly” – IOTW Report

House Intelligence Committee Votes To Reveal “The Big Ugly”

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Whoops!How’d that photo get in here?

Conservative Treehouse: The House Intelligence Committee voted today to allow all congressional members to view a summary report of classified documents behind the “Clinton Dossier”.

As Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner: “At the committee’s meeting Thursday morning, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., offered a motion to allow all House members to review a brief report prepared by the Republican majority summarizing the panel’s investigation into what GOP members call “FISA abuse.””

All of the Republicans voted to allow the sunlight, Adam Schiff and all the Democrats on the committee voted to block the sunlight. read more


28 Comments on House Intelligence Committee Votes To Reveal “The Big Ugly”

  1. It’s mind boggling how especially partisan the Dems are being. I’ve read through the CTH piece twice now and I sincerely hope it’s as earth shattering as I think it will be.
    Of course from the msm you’ll hear crickets for as long as possible.

  2. @MJA January 19, 2018 at 1:43 am

    > I’m starting to wonder if some of the MSM may be involved in this scandal and may be reporting themselves going to jail.

    For the Fifth ColumnFourth Estate, “No publicity is bad publicity.” We could have live streams from the concentration camps, hidden camera exposés of the wilted arugula, and still be kept as up to date as ever.

  3. Now there is no excuses left for ANY politician not to vote for a grand jury.

    Now that they have seen factual evidence of laws being broken by MANY contemporaries, will they use it in the upcoming elections or hide from it?

  4. Mueller himself is gotta be getting nervous. I know he’s had his hands in this and it explains why he’s only looking at the collusion angle. I want to see that scumbag led away in cuffs.

  5. @JustAl January 19, 2018 at 8:44 am

    > Why not hand it to a Grand Jury. Then, if they fail to indict, make it public.

    If the story told to the court, by the government, doesn’t convince them that a crime has been committed, why commit a crime spreading gossip about innocent people?

  6. It’s been war for some time.
    They’ve been looting us blind and mocking us for so long that I really don’t see them doing the right thing and bringing any among them to Justice.

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