“U.S. will open embassy in Jerusalem next year” – IOTW Report

“U.S. will open embassy in Jerusalem next year”

Geller Report: Cheers to President Trump! I will be there.

This gives “next year in Jerusalem” a whole new meaning.

U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv
U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv/screenshot

Mike Pence says U.S. will open embassy in Jerusalem next year

Washington Examiner-

“In the weeks ahead, our administration will advance its plan to open the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem — and the embassy will open next year,” he said. “Our president made his decision in the best interests of the United States — but he also made it clear that we believe this decision is in the best interests of peace. By finally recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the United States has chosen fact over fiction — and fact is the only true foundation for a just and lasting peace.”  read more

3 Comments on “U.S. will open embassy in Jerusalem next year”

  1. Now to remove Al-Aqsa Mosque from that dirty and horrible Jewish temple! That sacred Muslim rock should be in the land of Mohammad–Saudi Arabia.

    Liberate the Mosque!

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