First Hijab Wearing L’Oreal Model Forced to Resign in Disgrace – IOTW Report

First Hijab Wearing L’Oreal Model Forced to Resign in Disgrace

Federalist Papers: L’Oréal’s first hijab-wearing model, Amena Khan, has stepped down after backlash for her anti-Israel social media posts.

According to Vogue, Khan didn’t start wearing a hijab until she was in her twenties, but just days ago she became a popular image for L’Oréal Paris’ new hair campaign, Elvive.

Apparently, it’s “perfect” because you can’t see her hair. Get it? Me either.

L’Oréal Paris’ obviously wanted to diversify its hair products campaign and show that it isn’t a shallow corporation that makes money propagating beauty standards. By using Khan, L’Oréal received some major brownie points for inclusiveness.

She could market a hair product without even showing her hair because really mattered here is that she’s Muslim, and therefore “perfect” just because of that.

However, a quick look at Kahn’s history on social media changed everything.

Kahn claimed that “under international law, Israel is an illegal state.” She also called Israel a “sinister state” of “child murderers.”  more
h/t snowball the sourpuss.

18 Comments on First Hijab Wearing L’Oreal Model Forced to Resign in Disgrace

  1. I want to know who or what is heading up marketing at these “beauty” companies. First, there was bull dyke Ellen Degeneris representing what American women should look like.

    Now L’Oreal selects a model who always has her head covered and could be bald to show American women what a great product their hair dye is.

    Will Bruce Jenner be the Tampax spokeswoman? Ovarian cancer awareness?

  2. We watched 12 Strong over the week end. They spent sometime explaining why the “War Lords” hated the Taliban so much. Before the Taliban got there woman did not were Hijabs. Kids went to school. Take a look at some of the photos of Iran from the 70’s and early 80’s. The Hijab represents an oppressive regime to these people. Why would a company like L’Oreal legitimize that?

  3. L’oreal fired their first TG model, nobody knew he was a racist Covergirl fired that boy, nobody checked his background to see he was a drama queen. These companies must have the same HR team. So edgy.

  4. She was just stating what everyone practicing Islam believes. They can try to romanticize the submission head rag but they Won’t find a non antisemite Muslim to feature it.

  5. If the message is authentic and the voice behind it is authentic, you can’t deny what’s being said.”

    Somehow no one bothered to describe what was being said that was so authentic in the article. Can someone fill in the blanks?

    The article described someone who turned 20 and had a bad hair day so decided to wear a head scarf. So she is somehow a forceful authentic voice? For whom exactly?

  6. Before I sign off for the night. 12 strong is an amazing true story poorly portrayed by the movie. I highly recommend seeing it just to understand the true story. Hey Hollywood, quit casting freaking foreigners to portray US fighting men. It doesn’t freaking wash. A couple other problems that I won’t jump into because like I say, you should see this movie. Toby get’s it.

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