Daily Caller: The editor of Newsweek Pakistan made the bold claim that child molestation sometimes leads to great art in a Tuesday tweet.
Fasih Ahmed, editor and publisher of Newsweek Pakistan, claimed that child molestation will always exists and will always continue, regardless of outrage or campaigns against it.
“The sexual abuse of children will always exist. You can never eliminate it. Sometimes it leads to great art. So there’s also that,” Ahmed said, before referencing a #MeToo movement in Pakistan launched by the rape and murder of a 7-year-old girl. read more
Hollywood agrees.
Yeah, I’d rank it right up there with pee in a jar.
“No, your Honor, I was just making some great art.”
Providing that great art is viewed on a prison cell wall.
The “no boundaries” crowd is heavily populated with sexual deviant’s. Time for a round up.
Just curious how great he would consider that art if his eight-year old daughter were involved?
Cockroaches will also always exist but the struggle to exterminate them from your home should not.
Evil sobs.
@ Irate Nate – chances are he’d probably be the artist.
He is a Paki, that is the culture there. It’s also why I don’t like Paki’s coming here, it is not OUR culture and they want to bring their standards to us rather than accept our standards way of life.
Shit hole !!!! https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=sny4p7O1&id=226F0572B01495671C159694D43E47663FA9CBA4&thid=OIP.sny4p7O1p54WbPiA3h8m-gHaC-&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2friceinstitute.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2014%2f11%2fworld-map-percentage-OD-1024×411.jpg&exph=411&expw=1024&q=countires+that+poop+in+the+open&simid=608043001798854942&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0
” child molestation will always exists and will always continue, regardless of outrage or campaigns against it.”
I disagree and predict it is more likely that we will see a successful “hickory shampoo for ‘journalists’ campaign” worldwide.
PS Quit writing in English, Ahmed, I don’t appreciate barbarians appropriating our language.
Well, I’m sure Woody Allen and Roman Polanski along with the rest of the hedonistic left, would agree.
What gutless, spineless, scum of the earth, grubs child molesters are, having to use innocent children as sex toys. Absolutely despicable pigs. This is an instant I pray for karma or each offender.
“… will always continue…”
And you will always burn in hell for it.
Splattering a Newsweak editor’s brains all over the sidewalk leads to a new kind of Jackson Pollack type art.
Just what “art” is he talking about? Vincent Van Goatpacker?
Here’s hoping that this NewsWeak editor finds himself on the receiving end of some savage islamic “art lesson.”
Forget it Jake, it’s Pakistan. Ahmed would be in danger of uncontrollably leaking from his neck if condemned what Mohammed was quite fond of.
Sometime the great art is the splatter-pattern of the molester’s brains & blood.