Illegal Blames ‘Black Magic’ After Giving Herpes to a Child – IOTW Report

Illegal Blames ‘Black Magic’ After Giving Herpes to a Child

Breitbart: An illegal alien in Indiana accused of molesting a child and giving her the herpes virus has blamed “black magic” for his actions, a report says.

Huber Morales, 24, was charged with five felony sex crimes by authorities in Vanderburgh County, Indiana, on January 16 after doctors alleged that he molested a seven-year-old girl and gave her herpes, according to NBC Channel 14 News.

Morales, who told police he was born in Mexico and is in the U.S. illegally, was booked into the Vanderburgh County jail on five counts of molesting a child, including two level-one felony counts and three level-four felony counts. read more

21 Comments on Illegal Blames ‘Black Magic’ After Giving Herpes to a Child

  1. I got some black magic for his ass…
    It involves fresh, black asphalt and exit from a moving vehicle at a high rate of speed. Then Apply some hot tar and more asphalt and steam roller his ass into something useful. Like a road.

  2. There was a time, not so long ago, that prison guards would let the other inmates know what this guy was in jail for, and let “nature” run it’s course. Sadly, those days are over.

  3. @AbigalAdams January 25, 2018 at 12:35 pm – “Angrily throw this right in the face of the next bleeding heart progtard who defends the “rights” of illegals! That innocent girl was SEVEN YEARS OLD!!!”

    Progtards think this is a GOOD thing. They indoctrinate 4-year-olds with transvestite propaganda. They kill babies in the womb and wouldn’t really mind killing them even after that. They openly advocate for pedophilia.

    They aren’t mentally ill, they aren’t bleeding heart, THEY.ARE.EVIL.

  4. @Phuzzy Logick — I hear what you are saying, but I know many people who are not evil, who would be appalled at the kinds of things the Left do. However, I am talking about your average in-law (cousin, acquaintance, or friend) who laments how terrible it is that illegals aren’t allowed a path to citizenship. Those are the people who watch and end up agreeing with Joe Scarboro, etc, on CNN or MSNBC or Stephen Colbert.

    Hit these people between the eyes with any number of recent violent crimes committed by illegals. Ask them if they think it is a reasonable sacrifice if it was their SEVEN YEAR OLD child (daughter or son) who was raped, tortured, murdered? Make it personal. And then add insult to injury by concluding that they must think it is fine that someone else’s baby is raped — so long as it wasn’t their own! If they still defend the heinous acts of an illegal by saying it could just have well been an American citizen, then are they ARE twisted and evil AND trying to change the facts to suit their bullsh*t argument.

  5. AA,

    Start with the assumption that, somehow or other, all leftists have dehumanized everyone else…because they have. Assume that they all believe that there’s really no such thing as a human being, meaning a living individual with a never-dying soul, much less originally made in the image of God. Instead, assume they really believe that we’re all just electrochemically animated bags of water and minerals, essentially no different from animals or plants.

    Assume all this about them (because it’s pretty much what they actually believe) and then EVERY EVIL THING they believe and do makes crystal clear sense. You’ll also puke and never want to speak with any of them again, but at least they’ll make sense.

  6. @grool — there are a lot of people out there who have no idea why they believe what they believe — it’s cultural progressiveism. It’s a lifestyle, not an ideology to them. They vote D because their family and friends do. They never know the names of candidates on their local ballots. They just vote “D”. Those are the people I’m talking about. The people who just adopt their friends’ views regardless. But if they are confronted on their stupidity with the horrific facts of illegal’ crime they have nowhere to go; they are caught out being stupid dumb dumbs who deserve to be shamed.

  7. AA,

    No doubt there are some, perhaps many, who are literally stupid because have chosen not to think through the implications of what they believe and so don’t see the dark paths it always leads down. Such were some of us, politically, in our times past.

    But there are just as many who know full well that what they believe is conventionally considered evil but call the evil “good.” These are the ones I was mainly referring to.

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