NBA Player Tasered For Fighting Cops After Parking Across 2 Handicapped Spaces – IOTW Report

NBA Player Tasered For Fighting Cops After Parking Across 2 Handicapped Spaces

Blue Lives Matter: The Milwaukee Bucks guard was arrested early Friday morning.

Milwaukee, WI – Milwaukee Bucks rookie Sterling Brown was arrested early Friday morning, after he became combative with police over a parking citation.

Brown, 22, was arrested on a tentative charge of resisting or obstructing an officer, the Journal Sentinel reported.

The altercation unfolded at approximately 2 a.m., when officers from the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) were conducting a business check at a Walgreens store.

They noticed a Mercedes parked across two handicap spaces, and made contact with Brown, WISN reported.  MORE

34 Comments on NBA Player Tasered For Fighting Cops After Parking Across 2 Handicapped Spaces

  1. So the 6 foot 6 Pro athlete has to take up 2 handicapped parking spaces to keep from walking an extra 20 feet to get into the store? The stoopidity and selfishness of this asshole boggles the mind. Hope the Judge gives him the max, yet he won’t learn anything from it except the Judge is RAYCISS !!

  2. I can’t wait until Al Sharpton’s teevee press conference today to condemn this behavior.

    It’ll also make a great opportunity for the Great Okra to chime in on white supremacy an’ sheet.
    Maybe CBS, ABC, et al, should collaborate on 60 minute pre-Stupid Bowl Special program!

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