No, Nikki Haley was not having an affair with Donald Trump – IOTW Report

No, Nikki Haley was not having an affair with Donald Trump

American Thinker: I’m sorry she even had to address it. But sure enough, admitted liar Michael Wolff, who’s trying to sell a book of fiction, has spewed out that U.S.ambassador the the United Nations, Nikki Haley, slept her way to the top by having an affair with Donald Trump. He didn’t put it in his book, which is riddled with lies and errors, he said, because it didn’t even meet those standards. But the little creep wanted it out there and so he broadcast it out on TV.

Disgusting is right.

Not just because Haley has absolutely, always, shown herself to be a woman of character — there are no underwear pictures of her out there. Not just because Haley has always epitomized utter professionalism.

It’s disgusting because it doesn’t even follow the most obvious logic of the narrative, and for two reasons:

One, Haley was the sitting governor of South Carolina, a key swing state,with presidential stature right there. Taking the United Nations ambassadorship was a step
down, not a claw to the top.  MORE

13 Comments on No, Nikki Haley was not having an affair with Donald Trump

  1. We can’t accuse anyone on the planet of having an affair with one of the liberal women in our government. Men just aren’t that stupid, and they only marry them so the woman can help their business.

    Hi Maxine, and Barbara and Nancy.

  2. Sooooo … by implication; a woman can’t utilize her feminine strengths to stride up the ladder of success, but a “man” – Obola, for instance – it’s perfectly fine to use blowjobs and bend-overs to attain his goals?

    Sounds sexist, to me.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. For the sake of literature, Michael Wolff should be beaten to death with a coal shovel. He’s too phucking ugly to be beaten with any man’s bare fists.
    Nikki Haley took the Ambassadorship to that shithole to serve her country, and she’s doing a yeoman’s job. God Bless her.

  4. What sexist hypocrites the Left are.

    Go Haley. And Sanders. And DeVos, Kiersten, etc.
    PDT actually appoints women to real responsibility and power. And then applauds their competence and achievements.

    Go Trump. May Wolff lose every ill gotten dollar to 1,000 libel suits.

  5. Democrats are obsessed with sex. In ‘Witness’ Whittaker Chambers told how Communists practiced “party marriages” (ie. just shacking up, NOTHING legal) and were encouraged to swap partners often. After Ivanka didn’t work out as one of our President’s “lovers”, they’ve moved on to Nikki. God only knows who will be next.

  6. Same thing popped up when she was running for governor in SC. Nobody believed it then either. But then she let the flag come down and I don’t care if she falls off the face of earth,fuck her.

  7. Wolff is a lying little scumbag, and I truly hope someone is arranging for him to have an unfortunate “mugging” with broken nose, jaw, teeth, and ribs involved. What a complete sack of shit he is.

  8. She was a NeverTrumper. Trump spotted something in her and hired her anyway. The reports of Trumps ego are vastly exaggerated. She doing one hell of a job and I’m really liking her in your face attitude. I bet she’s not a NeverTrumper now.

  9. The Press started telling America “Hate is love, war is peace, bad is good …” 70 years ago. They are still putting out “freedom is slavery” as news.
    Dome things never change!

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