CFP Something called ‘500 women scientists’ savages Bill Nye for attending Trump’s SOTU. You probably know that Bill Nye “The Science Guy” is not a scientist at all. He’s a left-wing propagandist who uses the mantle of science to promote his ideological agenda, even though he doesn’t know as much as actual scientists and – particularly on the matter of global warming – is left to level personal attacks on some real climate scientists who dispute Nye’s claims.
But left-wing scientists tolerate Nye as a face of their movement as long as he tows the line and doesn’t embarrass them. Usually he plays ball so he can keep the public appearances and TV show offers coming. But tonight, Nye is upsetting his ideological cohorts by attending President Trump’s State of the Union address as a guest of Republican Congressman Jim Bridenstine, who is the president’s nominee to head NASA.
Whether it was a good idea for Bridenstine to invite Nye is a matter ripe for discussion, but Bridenstine offered and Nye accepted.
And that did not go over well with something called “500 Women Scientists.” Now as far as I can tell, this is not literally 500 women scientists, but a group calling itself that, which was founded by four women scientists of a decidedly left-wing, radical variety. And they have made it known via Scientific American that Bill Nye will not be forgiven for this apostasy: READ MORE
So “women scientists” do what? Study women?
Shoot, I guess that makes me a women scientist too.
Didn’t Scientific American come out with something about how air pollution helps to slow Globull Warming? Clearly a right-wing rag.
Oh here it is:
Fraudster Nye deserves whatever he gets.
Totally expendable idiot.
I love that the Left is now devolving into Cannibalism Mode.
And what “Science” do these 4 female “scientists ” have their degrees in?
I’m guessing Sociology.
And 19th Century Womyns Dance Studies.
Feminist PhD Candidate: Science Is Sexist Because It’s Not Subjective
Women and minorities cannot understand logic or objective truths, says a graduate student in her dissertation, so science classes should stop using the scientific method.
Though this just another way to bash Trump and they should be made to answer why they are just saying this now.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this guy doesn’t end up on this list
Why 500 WOMEN “scientists”? What about the other 52 genders? Why are they excluded from their organization?
If that’s who the NASA guy invites, he should be invited to go pound sand and look for another job
These women cannot possibly be real scientists if they believe in the global warming hoax.
Yes, claiming Lefty idiot Nye as a “friend” is an automatic disqualification.
Next candidate, please.
“We’re only seeing Singing Hitlers now. Dancing Hitlers please wait in the wings.”
The local talk radio host were falling all over themselves a few months ago hyping Bill’s visit to the city when Bill Nye was going to a presentation at a small local college. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t recognize the guy is a kook.
Bill Nye the bULLSHIT Guy, it’s time to climb on top of your frilly SoCal home and clean the solar panels again. Get your Swiffer and get to it, volts are wasting, bro.
Would be a shame if you fell off whilst performing that perfunctory function, you twit. Be careful. You never know when an illegal alien might trip you up. with Bill Nye has closed, to be replaced by a “Guardians of the Galaxy” roller coaster.
“Bill Nye “The Science Guy” is not a scientist at all. He’s a left-wing propagandist who uses the mantle of science to promote his ideological agenda.”
THAT’S why Ken Ham of “Answers in Genesis” handed him his ASS in their debate a few years ago. The Christian knew MORE science, than the… “scientist”…
Back in my day, we called woman scientists “the lunch lady”