Mueller Requests Delay In Flynn Sentencing – IOTW Report

Mueller Requests Delay In Flynn Sentencing

DC:  Special Counsel Robert Mueller has requested a delay in former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing, according to a Wednesday report.

The news comes as attorneys for Flynn as well as the special counsel’s office told a federal court Wednesday night that they were both not ready to finalize a date for Flynn’s sentencing hearing after he was charged for making false statements to the FBI in early December, CNN reported.

The special counsel was going to present an updated report on Flynn’s case to court Thursday, but Flynn and the special counsel have agreed on a delay, pushing the sentencing back to May 1.   read more

13 Comments on Mueller Requests Delay In Flynn Sentencing

  1. So Mueller has got nothing beyond Flynn’s scalp, and is just dragging things out for show. Got it.

    What happened to Mueller’s Trump interview? That seems to have gone up in smoke.

  2. If Mueller comes up with nothing and is forced to admit it watch the left turn on him in an instant and accuse him of tanking the inquiry. Then it would be funny to wait two weeks for the left to attack him then have Trump appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Mueller’s handling of his prosecution. Then watch the left laud Meuller as a hero again and a victim of Trump’s need for revenge. Geezuz, Trump could play the left like a Violin.

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