It’s very clear why the Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats nationwide the last eight years – IOTW Report

It’s very clear why the Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats nationwide the last eight years

American Thinker: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) (officially nonpartisan, but a de facto adjunct of the progressive movement that dominates the Democrats) complained that President Trump used the word “America” 80 times in his speech Tuesday night because it was divisive and exclusionary.

In a  written response to Trump’s speech, Faiz Shakir, the ACLU’s national political director, said:

Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities. The ACLU stands ready to protect these communities, both in the courts and at the polls.

I believe that the ACLU should remove “American” from their name, since that is so exclusionary and divisive, so then they would be known just as the  CLU. (It should come off all their letterheads and websites and they should never be allowed to use the word American again in describing their organization.)  They don’t have a clue that when a President of the United States of America is giving a speech about the State of the Union of the United States of America to the Congress of the United States of America, the term America should be used as much as the POTUS likes.

Somehow, President Trump saying that Americans are dreamers, too was also a problem. I had no idea that illegal immigrants of a certain age had a patent on the American Dream. Now I know. Other terms Dreamers and other illegal immigrants may not like are legal, illegal and rule of law. read more

23 Comments on It’s very clear why the Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats nationwide the last eight years

  1. “…Faiz Shakir, ACLU’s national political director… ”

    ’nuff said.

    Is this a home-grown slave name-dropper, or a Diversity Lottery winner? Not that it matters anymore.

  2. This is America and the President and every LEGAL citizen can say AMERICA, fly AMERICA ‘s flag, PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the flag and do whatever other patriotic things we dam well please.

    And anyone who finds this “divisive and exclusionary should get the hell out of this country.

    If you come to AMERICA you respect snd honor it

    If you don’t want to you are free to leave

  3. The left is pushing the idea that the United States is nothing more than a free zone for anyone in the world to enter and adapt any rules or lifestyle that suits them. The act as though this country is theirs to give away.

  4. “… adjunct of the progressive movement that dominates the Democrats.”

    Stalin called Soviet Socialism (with an Asian (Georgian) face) “progressive” and all other forms of socialism “reactionary.”

    The “progressive” movement doesn’t so much dominate the Demonrat Party as characterize it. They become more Stalinist each day. And as Germany’s National Socialism was only a tepid reflection of Stalinist Soviet Socialism (until the outbreak of the War) we could just as easily make that connection. And since both systems were anti-Semitic we have that similarity, as well.

    The ACLU is, indeed, a Comintern/Cominform front organization, just as is the SPLC and a few others that have survived. The fact that they now hide under the cover of Globaloney-ism or Progressive-ism or Some-other-bullshit-ism only serves to muddy the waters for the imbeciles who have a difficult time understanding that the Sun doesn’t set because they had dinner.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I guess the ACLU mistook the State Of The Union speech for a state of the world report.

    To clarify, for all progressive dumbasses, the term ‘Union’ in the title of the speech refers to The United States of AMERICA, not the world.

  6. What they all ignore: America isn’t a closed club, everyone’s welcome if they follow our rules(laws) and behave themselves. We expect everyone to pay their dues(taxes) and take care of their families. They have to learn the bylaws(English/Constitution) and abide by them.
    Why is that so hard to understand?

  7. DemocRATs only compete by dragging everything down to their level of suck. It is the democRAT culture of corruption that attracts corruption and ultimately corrupts everything they touch. Lying is second nature, a resume enhancer and a prerequisite to being a democRAT. The people are catching on.

  8. “I had no idea that illegal immigrants of a certain age had a patent on the American Dream.”

    Don’t worry, Mr. Hat. The dream of free chit, from sea to shining sea, higher than an elephant’s eye… is alive and well. In New Americans. In Old Americans. In every American yearning to vote gimme!

  9. Seeing as how it was the State of the Union for the United States of America, I cannot see how they would find it exclusionary.
    Can’t have a BBQ without talking about the grill

  10. Zell Miller was the canary in the coal mine. 14 years ago now. When he was the keynote at the 2004 convention and repeated Reagan’s line that “the Democrat party left him”, he couldn’t have been more truthful.

    The level heads were ditched for blinking left wings in San Francisco and New York with a layover in O’Hare. These people aren’t to be compromised with – they’re to be defeated and their apparatchiks ripped out of the government by the root.

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