Dirty Little Secret: Car Break-Ins in San Fran Tourist Areas At Epidemic Levels and Cops Do Nothing About It – IOTW Report

Dirty Little Secret: Car Break-Ins in San Fran Tourist Areas At Epidemic Levels and Cops Do Nothing About It

SF Chronicle-

…police received more than 30,000 reports of the crime last year, but made arrests in less than 2 percent of them — is about to get a bit worse.

“There’s no risk,” she said. “Why would they stop?”

She and her neighbors do what they can. They call 911 frequently. They post handmade, laminated signs along the street warning tourists of the crimes. They sometimes let visitors with valuables in their cars park in their own garages.

McMahon has taken to telling tourists who park their cars that they should remove absolutely everything before proceeding to the twisty block. They usually wave him off and say they’ll be only a minute.

“Well, you’re giving ’em 55 seconds too long,” he tells them.

Here’s what can happen in those few seconds, McMahon says:

The car with no plates pulls up. Out jumps a passenger with a small tool — available online or in any hardware store — that’s intended to help people break windows if they’re stuck inside their own car.

You just press the tool against a window, and a spring-loaded spike shatters the glass. Because it doesn’t shake the car, alarms don’t go off. The thief grabs whatever is handy and returns to the getaway car.


ht/ Kathy

19 Comments on Dirty Little Secret: Car Break-Ins in San Fran Tourist Areas At Epidemic Levels and Cops Do Nothing About It

  1. Don’t bother trying to catch thieves. Post police snipers with scoped .22 caliber rifles. When perp is spotted breaking into car, shoot him in the leg. Anyone showing up at emergency room with specially marked police bullet in his leg is subject to immediate arrest. No need to get tourist involved, police handle everything.

    What’s that you say? Never happen in California?

    Yeah, I know…but I can dream, can’t I?

  2. Vietvet, back in the ’70’s, Atlanta put cops with shotguns behind the mirror windows in 7-11 stores. It worked too well and the progs had a cow, so they quit doing it. And here we are today…

  3. I lived Just south of Napa in a Shithole called Vallejo…. for 9 months in 2015. Somehow my car was not hit. I made a point of NOT leaving anything in it. And locals said even a GUM WRAPPER was an enticement. THREE of my immediate co-workers WERE hit in that period. And it didn’t matter where you were. Epidemic.

  4. Shit, the bastards built housing projects right along cable car lines down to Fishermans Warf so their constituents didn’t have to travel to rob the tourists. This preferential treatment for criminals has been going on for decades.

  5. There used to be a show on cable called Bait Car (or something like that). Cops in different cities would leave a car (with cameras on-board) parked on the street, and stake it out. Perps would steal the car, cops would remotely shut-off the car and arrest the perp. Great fun, except…it didn’t matter where it was, the perps were “people of color” 99.9% of the time. As predicted, the show is no longer broadcast. Can’t have “reality TV” that actually reflects reality.

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