We can’t show this picture of Trump run by the BBC – IOTW Report

We can’t show this picture of Trump run by the BBC

Piers Morgan

Why the double standard?

If the BBC broadcast an image like this after a female journalist interviewed @theresa_may – all hell would break loose & people would be fired. Gender equality shouldn’t just apply to pay – should it?

8 Comments on We can’t show this picture of Trump run by the BBC

  1. Image the same kind of cartoon with Obama – the difference of course would be him kissing/licking Reggie Love!

    Piers Dirtbag Morgan was always sucking up to Trump on the Apprentice.

  2. The BBC is gross in all kinds of ways. Piers is just the next of many people caught up in that ‘gross’. Treat a Republican fairly or without venom, and this is what the BBC does to you. They’re tackier than the NY Post and Vanity Fair combined.

  3. Mr. Hat, thank you for NOT running the picture. I accidentally saw it somewhere else and it was too much and totally unnecessary


    Sometimes you run things I find questionable in taste, but then I was raised (the correct “reared” won’t be used here) in a protective environment.

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