Muslim in Belgium Tries To Run Over Father and Son Walking on Sidewalk – IOTW Report

Muslim in Belgium Tries To Run Over Father and Son Walking on Sidewalk

Is this Muslim a refugee fleeing oppression in his country?


7 Comments on Muslim in Belgium Tries To Run Over Father and Son Walking on Sidewalk

  1. This same thing happened to me last spring. I was jogging 1/2 mile from my home in the bike lane next to the sidewalk and the dude swerved to run me over. He was muslim – he had the little beanie on, and shitty beard. Luckily I jumped up onto the sidewalk.

  2. Coming to a country you live in – applied hatred, intolerance, and active aggression toward Jews and Christians and anybody who won’t bow to the moon god, his minions, and his sharia.

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