Angel City Chorale – Toto’s Africa – IOTW Report

Angel City Chorale – Toto’s Africa

A choir does a rendition of Toto’s Africa, a song that is a bit of an ear worm for me. I don’t really like it and once I hear it I can’t get it out of my head.

Why I clicked on this is beyond me, but I’m glad I did because I enjoyed the choir’s clever way of mimicking rain before they launched into the song.

18 Comments on Angel City Chorale – Toto’s Africa

  1. I’d hate to be one of the soloists and sing off key or forget the words and ruin the whole performance for everyone.
    Well done, though
    Lots of hours practicing, you can tell.

  2. @barky FEBRUARY 4, 2018 AT 9:51 AM
    “This choir is copying an earlier version… that I think is a lot better…by Slovenia’s Perpetuum Jazzile.”

    Earlier? Maybe. Different? For sure. Better? I don’t think so.

  3. That second verse on the Toto original with the Serengeti line is unintentionally hilarious. The whole damn thing sounds like it was totally out of whack with the melody and was sledgehammered into place. Reminds me of a 5-year old making up a song where the words and melody don’t mesh at all: “Mo-o-o-m said to co-o-o-o-o-ome in fo-o-o-o-o-r dinner right no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w!”
    But then again, what do you expect if you’re listening to Toto.

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