Joe Shakespeare – IOTW Report

Joe Shakespeare


It’s sad really, when someone tries to use one of Shakespeare’s plays as a clever analogy but ends up failing miserably. For example, Joe Scarborough thought he had hit on something by comparing the bard’s “Julius Caesar” to the abuse of power we have been witnessing in Washington.

The play itself is about a group of senators who conspire to assassinate Rome’s hero and are then thwarted when Mark Antony turns the city against them. To Joe, somehow the conspirators are in congress and they are in collusion with the great leader to destroy our republic. Perhaps he’d have better luck with Othello, King Lear or MacBeth – “It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing.” Yeah, that’s Joe Scarborough.  More



12 Comments on Joe Shakespeare

  1. Oooooh, brilliant insight Joe. Hey, I’ve got an idea: Perform “Julius Caesar” in Central Park, only make it set in modern times, and have Trump be Caesar…oh, wait…

  2. “If you prick him, does he not enjoy it? If you tickle him, does he not pee his boxers? If you poison an intern, do the cops not come to his Florida office? And if you wrong him, shall he not write an insipid song about it for Mika?”

  3. Got to hand it to Joe Scarborough… He resolving his latest mid-life crisis by at least pretending to be a rock star this time rather than cheating on his wife. Mika’s days gotta be numbered LMAO never trust a cheater LOL If they cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you.

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