Reminder For Smug Dope Jimmy Kimmel – IOTW Report

Reminder For Smug Dope Jimmy Kimmel

Responding to why all late night talk show hosts are liberals, Jimmy Kimmel said it’s because it takes a level of intelligence to be liberal.

Oh really?

One of the staples of Kimmel’s show (one that he ripped off from right-leaning Jay Leno) is interviewing people on the street. The people on the street are in the most left-leaning state in the country, and there is absolutely no shortage of abject stupid people right outside his studio.

Here he asks people to point to North Korea on a map. I’d actually give someone a passing grade if the simply pointed to Japan, but I doubt they know where that is either.

Mark Dice has been interviewing people in the street in the Los Angeles area since he began his youtube channel.

I’ve been suggesting that he ask the morons what their political affiliation, because I am positive it would reveal that a vast majority of the morons are liberal.

Kimmel oughta take a look at the video below where Dice asks people if they agree with policy ideas, cartoonishly ludicrous ones, made by Beyonce and Angelina Jolie, etc.

The people agree.

Maybe this is where Kimmel gets his feelings of superiority. When you’re fawned over as if you’re intelligent just because you’re a celebrity, the dumb ones start to think there’s some validity to it.

See Ashton Kutcher, Ben Affleck, Katy Perry… let’s save time here… ALL OF THEM.

32 Comments on Reminder For Smug Dope Jimmy Kimmel

  1. Oh, Kimmel, if the left is watching your show for national and international news, they’re not very smart to start. That’s why you can say whatever you like and they’ll clap like lil monkeys sans the cymbals. But, good for you. You’re prince of all the dummies you survey. lol

  2. The pickle jar exam for Hillary was pure genius, Doctor Dropout. Were you hoping to be her press spokesman? Just shootin’ the shit and giving shout-outs to all your cronies? You make me sick, you effing turd.

  3. Kimmel is a self made man who quit work too early.

    As for Dice, I hope to God that some of his footage hit the cutting room floor because hopefully not EVERYONE in kaliphornia is an abject idiot. Please tell me that happened. I have my doubts.

  4. More like there isn’t a network that would hire a conservative for late night. And how about am radio where real intellect resides and the only presence the left has is subsidized by taxpayers (npr).

  5. Jimmy and the others have to run down conservatives, while pretending to represent to common people. Who pays people like Jimmy and others $50,000 a day for their opinion. Or Ellen $200,000 a day. They are part of the problem, stop supporting their advertisers, email their advertisers telling them you will no longer buy their products and why. For the conservative movement to win, Hollywood will have to go down also. I guess I’ll go back to work, pay my bills, and take care of my family.

  6. You be real smart. JoeBiden smart! Keep assuring yourself that, Jimmy.
    That ought to really nurture you as you’re suffocating from getting your head just a bit further up your own ass.

  7. Well, Conservatives don’t watch Jimma Kibble because, among other reasons, they have to get up early in the morning to go to work.

    Go to You Tube and watch a few highbrow episodes of The Man Show to see what an intellectual powerhouse women’s rights crusader he is.

  8. Can’t say it much better than this IMO:

    21 Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks;

    but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened.

    22 For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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