Yes, I am requesting you watch an MSNBC clip with Morning Joe – IOTW Report

Yes, I am requesting you watch an MSNBC clip with Morning Joe

Would I steer anyone wrong? Yes, Joe nauseates me, as does everyone else on this panel (except the British lady.) But the part that is absolutely beautiful, and makes this worth it, is when a black college professor makes a statement that he thinks is going to simply skate through because he’s on a liberal panel.

But something funny happens on the way to the forum, and he gets challenged, and he has to explain himself.

The word salad that he concocts, the flop sweat that forms, the circular logic, the Michael Eric Dysonisms that he conjures up and floats out there, are a riot.

Even the liberals were squinting and trying to follow this idiot’s position.

Would it help if I told you what he was arguing about was affirmative action?

This is a must see.

28 Comments on Yes, I am requesting you watch an MSNBC clip with Morning Joe

  1. OK, I’ll bite. This guy is an idiot who’s been trained to spout gobbledy-jargon, and who has his job only because of racial preferences. He does not belong in any position of responsibility in any respectable institution of higher education. I “question his presence” among sane people. Endure that.

  2. @Mighty Mojo
    Is it the glasses, or what, that makes Joe look like a chicken, actually a cartoon chicken. Oh, that’s it, Chicken Little!!!

    Now, I was thinking that Joe’s nose is attached to his glasses, like, you know, the old nose and glasses disguise.

  3. To think that this worthless brain
    dead ‘affimative” action” moron probably
    has made more money for just spewing marxist
    vomit than I have made my entire life building
    interstate bridges,docks and piers plus maintaining
    56 cell phone sites 7/24/365 for 10 years…

  4. I knew a lot of guys like that “professor”. They knew a lot of big words and when challenged, they cried racism. This asshole just “lost his train of thought.” in other words he forgot the script. Fuck the whole panel. They are all assholes. Watch “John Adams” on Netflix. A real discussion by brilliant men. Today’s TV crowd are the pits when it comes to discussion. All they do is talk, never listen, and talk some more. I miss Firing Line with Bill Buckley.

  5. I watched that when I was on my second beer and thought ‘man I can’t handle more than one anymore’….seriously I thought it was me. It was painful to watch……..and parents are spending upwards of $60K/year for their kids to sit in class and listen to his nonsense…….

  6. The prof loves free examination of the truth no matter where it leads philosophy of the best institutions of higher learning, until it challenges the orthodoxy that is widely believed by himself and his colleagues that hired him to instill that orthodoxy on students.

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