I’m thinking of opening a business in Stockton, California… What should it be? – IOTW Report

I’m thinking of opening a business in Stockton, California… What should it be?


The mayor of Stockton, California, is leading an experiment with “universal basic income,” which is set to start by giving low-income residents $500 a month, no questions asked.

Mayor Michael Tubbs calls his city “ground zero” for issues like wage stagnation, rising housing prices and loss of middle-class jobs that affect the nation.

The Central Valley city went bankrupt in 2012, and for decades it has been trying to diversify its agriculture-based economy.

“I feel that as mayor it’s my responsibility to do all I could to begin figuring out what’s the best way to make sure that folks in our community have a real economic floor,” Tubbs said.



52 Comments on I’m thinking of opening a business in Stockton, California… What should it be?

  1. Experiment? More like an unending spiral of increasing demands and dependency. Looks like a vote buying scheme. How can a future politician run against it? Only selfish, racist, misogynist, bigots want to take food from poor children and sentence the elderly to homelessness!

  2. If the mayor is using his own money, Fine it’s his money. He is free do dispose of it however he wants. But – If he is handing out money taken from the person who earned it. Who didn’t willingly donate the money. That’s handing out stolen money in my view. Politicians make it legal to do such things themselves, other people go to jail.

    That being said. Opening a moving van company or Two Guys and a Truck franchise might make a going business, for a while anyway. He can hand over $500 to the last guy to turn out the last light.

  3. Back in the day it was selling dope on the street corners or hustling run away’s into prostitution. Now days the thugs have turned to politics, get elected and get rich.

  4. I’d open a gun store and only sell KelTec disposables. The week before “payday” my stock would be cleaned out and I’d close the store for 3 &1/2 weeks, re-stock, and do it all over again each month.

  5. They are going to track how giving someone $500 with no strings attached affects their esteem and identity. Same morons that probably pay their kids allowance for doing basic chores somehow can’t understand that grown adults would also benefit and further their esteem and identity for getting paid for an honest days work.

  6. Any business you decide to open would only need to be open for 2-3 days a month when the checks go out. Your “customers” will be broke until the next check.

  7. Unique names for afro american mothers to be. Choose an attention getting first name for your little crack dealer to be. Just 20.00 dollars and you can choose from a creative collection of head scratching monikers. We can deduct directly from your minimum income payment. Associates are standing by to take your orders.

  8. Has Stockton deteriorated to the point where the 2006 movie “idiocracy” is a training manual rather than a satire? How low of an IQ do you have to have to think this is a good idea?

  9. Business idea for Stockton: start websites like they have in Chicago and San Francisco that locate human feces and murders.

    BTW, I took plenty of econ classes in college and never heard of an “economic floor”. Such BS.

  10. Stockton falls under the category of “American shithole”.
    This sounds like a plan to push that to even further extremes than the drug trade and illegals have.
    Best way to get more of something is have the taxpayer’s subsidize it…..

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