Flashback- Jimmy Kimmel Doing Blackface, Doing a “Black Accent” – IOTW Report

Flashback- Jimmy Kimmel Doing Blackface, Doing a “Black Accent”

Kimmel making fun of Karl Malone, complete with black face. (And mangling grammar.)

ht/ irony curtain


By the way, here is the real Karl Malone. Racist Jimmy Kimmel hears a different man when Mr. Malone speaks.

31 Comments on Flashback- Jimmy Kimmel Doing Blackface, Doing a “Black Accent”

  1. I always thought Karl Malone was a good guy, still do. And, I liked the Man Show, it was funny as heck, but now that I have an idea of who jimmy kimmel is I wonder how Adam Corolla could stand him.

  2. As our own Puck used to say, make the bastards live by their own rules.
    Kimmel should be out of a job for this, according to the left’s standards.
    Spread this racist routine until he’s crying again.

  3. There are people who not only watch the sport, but are wrapped up in the media coverage of the sport to the “comedy news” coverage of the sport. It’s comical looking in from the outside; I laugh at the people who are laughing.

  4. But it’s COMEDY, remember? When a comedian does racists skits it’s okay, but when things get real dicey is when Kathy Griffin holds a decapitated head of Trump and all hell breaks loose and Kathy gets black balled. Time for Jimmy to go. Isn’t there some woman out there that she can accuse Jimmy of sexual harassment? Kathy got her come uppins, now it’s Jimmy’s turn!

  5. Kimmel went to great lengths for this skit.
    He donned a black muscle suit, black skin, facial hair and bald cap.
    He then stereotyped the grammar and slang of the coveted black man.

    Will JK get punished?
    Nothing to see here…move along because Kimmel is smart dontcha know?

  6. Sports suck to watch. Fun to play. Reeling a mockery of the sport is grasping for an audience. That’s what our media does. Our media thinks the Trump administration sucks, so they attempt mockery, grasping for the same audience.

  7. It’s easy for leftists to make fun of a good, hard working black man who’s’ an excellent father and husband, because he’s the kind of man, Jimmy “The Nazi” Kimmel want to eliminate.
    Meanwhile, creeps like mush mouth Jesse Jackson get a pass.
    Oh, and let’s not forget the virtuous “Dreamers”. They’re the replacement leftist tools, since the black family almost completely sacrificed itself for liberalism. Here is a recent stomach turning propaganda hit piece against conservatives from Kimmels show;
    https://youtu.be/5QY5pLQqIYM .

  8. 99th Squad Leader

    Karl is an American Patriot. I live in Sac King area. But anytime the Jazz were playing I was a Jazz fan. Two reasons, Karl Malone and Jerry Sloan. I loved both those Patriots. Man those where the good old days.

  9. I remember a Chicago Bulls vs Utah Jazz playoff game in the 90’s.
    The Jazz got hosed big time by the refs.
    The fix was in for Michael Jordan.
    I remember specifically a three pointer that wasn’t and a three pointer that was.
    I was pulling for the Jazz and screaming at the TV.
    The refs screwed Utah, allowing Chicago another title.

  10. @99th Squad Leader, aha! That must be why Lil Jimmy Kibble was mocking Mr Malone; because Malone is conservative. Kibble, being a leftard, doesn‘t like black people escaping the leftist plantation and thinking for themselves!

  11. Do not get me wrong..I am no fan of Roseann Barr but on the other hand I’m no fan of “HYPOCRISY” either!! Why is what Roseann said any different than this ‘so called’ comedy skit that degrades Carl Malone, who is an articulate black man, who just happens to be one of the greatest basketball players of all time. This is just another shining example of the lefts “double standard”. It’s only bad when someone else does it!!

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