Somebody leaked Anthony Weiner’s contact list – IOTW Report

Somebody leaked Anthony Weiner’s contact list

I’m not going to link to the site because I don’t know what the legality of something like this is. All I can tell you is that the list of people who now have to change their phone number is staggering.

Hillary’s home phone in Chappaqua.

Al Gore’s number.

Jake Tapper.

George Soros.

Tina Brown.

Terry McAuliffe.

John Podesta.

I can tell you that some of them work. I can’t tell you how I know.

One number that was very interesting to me was for Todd Gitlin. Does that ring a bell? Gitlin was the founder of SDS, Students For a Democratic Society, along with Mark Rudd. SDS splintered and became the Weather Underground.

Many of these radicals went on to work in academia – Ayers, Dohrn, Rudd, Gitlin and Boudin. It seems that any radical felon that gets released from prison has a job waiting for them at some university- indoctrinating our youth, inculcating them with the view that America is the world’s villain.

Interesting that a congressman would have this kind of guy’s cell number in his contact list.

I suppose someone could search wieners contact list leaked and find what they were looking for.

ht/ all too much



29 Comments on Somebody leaked Anthony Weiner’s contact list

  1. I hope this is an indication that someone has the entire contents of his computer, and is prepared to release it. Maybe a pissed off FBI guy. However, I did read that this was released shortly after his arrest and posted on 4chan. Not sure if it included phone numbers then.

  2. From the Squaker website: “The kicker? All of this information was released straight from Weiner’s laptop, which is currently being held under evidence by the FBI.“

    OMG!! A rogue agent! You can’t make this shit up!

  3. Make no mistake. This is a warning to the entire leftist community by the deep-state DOJ/FBI. They are warning them that they had better pull out all the stops to protect them and prevent a Trump corruption probe into the DOJ/FBI.

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