An Online Quiz Said I Voted For Hillary – IOTW Report

An Online Quiz Said I Voted For Hillary

Wow. Balls out accurate there. Amazing.

28 Comments on An Online Quiz Said I Voted For Hillary

  1. Hey me too! I musta done it in my sleep!!

    Another example of the peer pressure expectations of the left to go along with the lemmings and jump over the cliff.

  2. You voted for Hillary Clinton! Post to your FB if you’re not afraid to share.

    Not in this lifetime. I’m one of the women scolded by HRC and Moochelle for voting against my own interests.

  3. it wasn’t a real quiz because it didn’t ask this question;

    Would you rather have Melania Trump as a wife or see Hillary in prison for 15 years?

    That question would separate the wheat from the chaff

  4. Question: on the “Ten minutes late, or ten minutes early” question, is the guy running so he can be early, and the chick sitting around because she doesn’t care if she’s late? Or is the guy running because he’s late, and the chick is sitting around because she’s ten minutes early?

    That one threw me. -bfh

  5. My thoughts are; that this quiz relies on some assumptions of gender by asking gender specific questions. Results are… If you got Hillary then you’re a female or beta male. If you got Trump, then you’re a male.

    Examples of gender specific questions… Flying, and cheaters getting caught.

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