School cancels play when white girl wins lead in musical – IOTW Report

School cancels play when white girl wins lead in musical



A high school in New York has pulled its musical The Hunchback of Notre Dame after social justice student activists complained about a leading role being handed to a white student.

“Protests of the production began when an African-American student quit Ithaca High School’s musical production due to the role of Esmeralda being given to a white classmate,” Fox News reported. “Student activists then banded together under the umbrella of Students United Ithaca …”

Caving to social justice activists

Shortly after the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) pulled the musical, it was replaced with a new project, but signs of a possible problem over the casting not reflecting “diversity” or “inclusiveness” were evident before the roles were even announced.

“When Ithaca High School announced last fall that the spring musical would be The Hunchback of Notre Dame, high school senior Annabella Mead-VanCort’s mother, Eliza VanCort, wrote a letter to school administrators,” the Ithaca Journal reported. “Mother and daughter were thrilled that a musical with a leading role of a female of color would be performed on the school’s stage.”

After they warned administrators in late November that they would be keeping an eye on the casting for the musical, only to find out that a white student was handed the role of Esmeralda – representing a Romani gypsy living in Paris in the 15th century – the protests began.


h/t brings new meaning to “going dark”

25 Comments on School cancels play when white girl wins lead in musical

  1. “A high school in New York”

    Enough said. Same with Los Angeles, San Fagsisco, Portland, Seattle. I’m sure I’ve missed a few. But these are occupied territories. Enjoy the coming war bitches.

  2. Anti-white racism is getting pretty annoying. The racist assholes might want to look into the last 1000 years of white history then ask themselves if they really want to relive some of it.

  3. Ya’ KNOW… OUTSIDE of Harlem, there’s one BUTTLOAD of white people IN NY. What are we gonna do about it; trade them to Nova Scotia, for slaves to be named later? 🙄 🙄 🙄

  4. Esmeralda was the illegimate daughter of a French prostitute and was kidnapped and raised by gypsies. The character was not a gypsy. But facts don’t matter to blacks who think that Cleopatrra, a Macedonian, was black.

  5. Hell, if you had nothing to go on but TeeVee commercials, you would think that 90% of the U.S. population was black. The 10% white population is either stupid or criminal.

  6. They’re following the US Olympic team selection process down Crazy Street. They don’t want the best at some skill. Only a diversity of mediocre will do, with the goal to have an excuse to whine and make a mess of every event.

  7. Who died and made this Momma boss of the whole program? What about the fabulous boy who has lived his whole life just to be Esmeralda? Who does this woman think she is limiting the part to a single sex?

  8. Annabella Mead-VanCort. Her mother, Eliza VanCort. Look at all those names. Look at all those important, capital letters. Princessy. I’m impressed.

    Ithaca, New York. ‘Nuff said.

    Doing “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.

    Canceled. Aww. Fate seemed to be offering us a much deserved, French theater, moment.

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