Sarah Huckabee Dresses Down Entire White House Press Pool On Phony Russian Collusion Narrative – IOTW Report

Sarah Huckabee Dresses Down Entire White House Press Pool On Phony Russian Collusion Narrative

She says for a roomful of people obsessed with Russia they seem uninterested in actual collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

She points out that Trumps military strengthening and our energy independence is not good for Russia. Hillary is the more likely favored president that would serve Russia’s interests.

ht/ c. steven tucker


19 Comments on Sarah Huckabee Dresses Down Entire White House Press Pool On Phony Russian Collusion Narrative

  1. Oopsie.. A documentary of Civil Rights attorney Gloria Allred, who fights the evils that breeder men have committed against women, and Gay people. She is a true Hero.

  2. If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it 1000x,

    THE LIBERAL TRANSLATORS don’t care what you have to say, they will re-translate it into liberal-speak for themselves.

    Do the same to them:
    Race? Robert Byrd
    Women? Clinton / Ted Kennedy
    Child advocates? Not Hillary, Pro-Life supporters
    Workplace harassment? Bill Clinton / Rev. Jessie Jackson and his illegit. daughter.
    “Settled Science”-Homosexuality was settle science.

    Throw it back in their face every time, they do it to you!

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