A Conservative (??) Plan To Provide Free Tampons – IOTW Report

A Conservative (??) Plan To Provide Free Tampons

I Guess in Olympia This Is What A Conservative Is.


A House bill in Olympia aims to establish a new $1 million government program that will provide free tampons to students at Washington colleges.

“The Conservative argument is that we want to support our students achieving their education,” Representative Melanie Stambaugh told 770 KTTH’s Jason Rantz. “Currently, at our community and technical college campuses, 56 percent of the students are female. The median age is 26. These students often have more difficult financial situations. Hence, why they are going through the community and technical college system. We want to ensure that when a woman needs — often times in an emergency situation — a product, that she has it available to her.”

Stambaugh is a Republican representative for the state’s 25th District (Puyallup). HB 2863 proposes to provide free tampons at community and technical colleges in Washington state. There are 34 such institutions in the state.

If approved, it would cost taxpayers an estimated $1 million a year to provide free tampons. But Stambaugh believes that is an overestimate.


ht/ illustr8r

19 Comments on A Conservative (??) Plan To Provide Free Tampons

  1. Gotta rant. I just visited a sight that is taboo here. For good reason. I’ll add to that. Their, his, Headline reads,”DOW TRAVELS 20,000 POINTS”.
    Sounds pretty fing bad don’t it. Well as a point of reference the Dow is currently sitting at 24,190. An important number. Did anybody see the DOW hit 4,000? I didn’t. Obviously this dumb ass hole is tracking incremental moves with no baseline. Whos side is this little faggot on? I would expect to see this type of coverage on the MSM. Not Drudge. Who got to him? WTF?

  2. “Drudge is a libertarian

    Really? Tell me where that factually challenged piece was close to being Libertarian. If you think Drudge is Libertarian you’re probably standing in line waiting for your turn in the gas chamber. That was a really Fing stupid thing to post.

  3. Why don’t they charge a Fee on the tuition for the “Free” tampons? Hell, I’m sure they charge Fees for every other little bullshit perk the students get. And since Seattle now mandates $15 an hour, how many hours would a student have to work for a tampon?

  4. This is the problem with the entire left coast – Republicans think they need to be dem light to win and join the amnesty/diversity, free gifts for millennials, and virtue signaling crowd to get elected. Going to drive themselves to extinction.

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