SNAP (Food Stamps) enrollment drops under Trump management – IOTW Report

SNAP (Food Stamps) enrollment drops under Trump management

SNAP enrollment dropped by 4,000,000 between October 2017 and November 2017.

(I know Chicago has a lot of gun deaths, but not that many!)

Democrats don’t know what to make of this data. On one hand it gives them the sads, on the other they are desperate to credit Obama. But that’s a quandary, and it highlights the pitiful position Democrats put themselves in with their dystopian policies.

Welfare recipients are the Google Analytics of the left. The more there are the better they’re doing. So crediting the jug-eared Messiah for lowering SNAP enrollment is like blaspheming the Pope of progressivism.


h/t diet-conscious?



8 Comments on SNAP (Food Stamps) enrollment drops under Trump management

  1. Had to look up “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program “.

    The Government food pyramid was wrong from day one. Meaning if they force you to follow it you will be a fat SOB. Carbs turn to sugar. You can’t change that fact.

  2. Has Pelosi heard about this?? She’s the one that said that Welfare $$$ are a boon to the economy, yet $1K bonus’ were “crumbs”. Can you imagine all the lost produce rotting in the grocery stores because there’s not enough SNAP/Food stamp buyers for the fresh greens?

  3. This is what the media is missing about the recent 2 year Trump budget. Appropriating social spending doesn’t mean the same as SPENDING it. Trump’s cabinet heads decide how much to spend. They’ve reduced staff size. Cut programs and discovered immense sums that no one can account for.

    Food stamp recipients are down 4 million. Unemployment is the lowest in 17 years. Trump is deporting illegals who cost at least $150 billion per year and has stopped sending tens of millions to countries that hate us.

    Trump brings projects in ahead of time and under budget.

    Watch and learn. He’s not your traditional swamp creature.

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