Tax Payer Funded Classes in Porn For Kids As Young as 11 – IOTW Report

Tax Payer Funded Classes in Porn For Kids As Young as 11


…the first class included an “exercise in which the group defined porn terms (B.D.S.M., kink, soft-core, hard-core).” The students also voted on things like “whether the legal viewing age of 18 for porn is too high, if working in the porn industry is a good way to make money and if pornography should be illegal.”

Other classes focused on the “types of intimacy not depicted in porn and nonsexist pickup lines,” a “lesson about sexting and sexting laws and the risks of so-called revenge porn,” and the “underbelly of the business.” That included Daley “detailing a midlevel female performer’s salary” like “Blow job: $300, Anal: $1,000. Double penetration: $1,200. Gang bang: $1,300 for three guys. $100 for each additional guy.”

For comprehension, Daley asked the students to “pretend they were contestants on a reality-TV show, for in which they had to decide if they were willing to participate in certain challenges (your parents might be watching) and for how much money.

Daley also showed negative parts of porn, Jones urged, like studies that “coded incidents of aggression” in porn and statistics like “88 percent of scenes showed verbal or physical aggression.”

The class also played “Porn Jeopardy” where the students “choose from four categories: S.T.D./S.T.I.s, Birth Control, Teen Violence/Sexual Assault and Porn on the Brain.”

In the end, the class didn’t completely change the students’ views, Jones said.

“By the end of the class,” she stressed, “no one said pornography was realistic.” But they still wanted to imitate it.


ht/ Christian PDX

9 Comments on Tax Payer Funded Classes in Porn For Kids As Young as 11

  1. The pornography industry is the multi-billion dollar elephant in the room. Exposure to nekkid people has evolved from pictures in National Geographic and hidden stacks of Playboy in dad’s room to basically whatever one wants available on the internet for free.

    There are a lot of issues involved with the availability of pornography, and not necessrily having to do with who puts what where. But I don’t think these discussions are appropriate for younger students, nor do I believe the issues should focus on the different salacious aspects of porn. Pornographers aren’t trying to make Oscar worthy films, don’t care about character development, and don’t care about healthy human relationships because that is not what their product is about. At an appropriate age, teaching what porn is and isn’t as compared to the real world may have value.

  2. Remove God from public education, expose students to cult religions, re-write history, villainize our founding fathers and our system of government, tear down statues of American war dead & Crosses, ban books, attack family morals, normalize perversion, minimize parental control, the state decides when and what a child will be taught.

    Porn in the classroom, just another brick in the wall.

    Teachers leave the kids alone.

  3. “By the end of the class,” she stressed, “no one said pornography was realistic.” But they still wanted to imitate it.”

    And that, of course, was the whole point of this disgusting exercise.

  4. Teachers Unions just can’t get ENOUGH, of putting condoms on bananas in the classroom! 🙄

    Then again, female teachers apparently can’t get enough of the teenage ‘banana’ these days, judging by the headlines… 😳

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