The OODA Loop President – IOTW Report

The OODA Loop President

What is OODA Loop?

It’s the Observe, Orient, Decide, and then Act principles of famed American fighter pilot and strategist John Boyd, and Trump seems to be a disciple.

“…success in conflict can be rapid and dramatic if one can ‘operate inside the OODA Loop’ of the opponent,” says  writer J.B. White.

He continues-

A political party that has forgotten rule number one of American politics (never disrespect average Americans) deserves to die. But to kill off a prominent but staggering legacy, one needs either to be or to become an apex predator.

The so-called Orange Ogre is proving to be quite the apex predator.

Read the rest of the essay HERE.

HT/ Geoff C. Saltine

5 Comments on The OODA Loop President

  1. Rush was speaking about this article this week. Unfortunately he didn’t have the meaning of OODA Loop at his fingertips and fumbled around until he found OBSERVE, ORIENT, DECIDE and ACT.

    Shoot mano, I have that written on my fridge. When SD first had an article about it last year or more ago, it hit me that that’s basically what my mom taught me. I now had a “name” for the procedure for tackling anything.

    No wonder I love my president.

  2. I heard Rush talking about the OODA Loop yesterday. I have been making important decisions by this method for years. Now it has a name when I always thought it was common sense. President Trump seems to be proficient doing it.

  3. Thinking about it a little more, I do like the OODA loop descriptor for Trump. But his working in this way doesn’t necessarily enable him to get away with any old stuff, it just forces the truth through all the lies the left and media (but I repeat myself) has put out. Trump cannot get us to accept bad ideas. But he can, probably better than anyone, get the naysayers to recognize and respond to the truths that this group already acknowledges.

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