What They’re Teaching At Harvard – IOTW Report

What They’re Teaching At Harvard

A couple of the “most respected scholars in the field of democracy studies” from Harvard have a new book out titled, “How Democracies Die.” They presented their work last month at the Cambridge, MA public library which was recorded and is airing this weekend on CSPAN.

I took a little gander at their lecture this morning, expecting condemnations of Hillary’s take over of the DNC or stealing the primary from Bernie or perhaps the weaponization of the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF and the State Department by the previous administration. Nope, they had nothing to say on those examples of governance failures. Their focus was instead on their perceived faults with the Republican primary system that lead to Donald Trump’s nomination and plenty of commentary on how the current president sure seems like an authoritarian to them.  Watch





8 Comments on What They’re Teaching At Harvard

  1. I want to watch it…But I also want to go to sleep tonight…

    knowing that I didn’t tell everybody on FB to go f*ck

    themselves….So basically…I’m going to drink ten more Beers

    Then watch it…and share it on FB …Tell everyone to go f*ck

    themselves…and sleep like a Cat

  2. I about laughed myself silly when one of the authors talked about how Trump might, mind you, might try to add more jurist to the supreme court as a way to pack it with partisans and undermine the institution. He didn’t mention that it was 4 -term Democrat FDR who originally floated the notion and got pretty far with trying to make it a reality. The threat was enough to get SCOTUS to buckle under and give him carte blanche to expand government and saddle us with residual socialism today.

  3. I made it to 23 minutes, and it was obvious that this was nothing but elitist bullshit. One could write another book detailing why these jackasses are full of crap, but a few points.

    1. They assume Trump is a demagogue. Is he? Trump doesn’t like the media because the media is in the bag for what these elitists stand for, and there is nothing either in our system of government or the constitution that requires anyone to not criticize the media. Trump has done nothing to shut the media down, and has only pointed out the obvious truth that the media is full of leftists.

    2. They are pissed that the people choose their candidates. One of the authors discusses the “smoke filled rooms” that used to constitute the candidate selection system, and while he claims he doesn’t support a return to this system, it is obvious that he does. These guys clearly want all power, including the power to determine who the citizens can vote for, returned to the establishment.

    3. They infer, without providing examples, that Trump will abuse his power. Trump has been in office over a year, and nothing of the sort has happened. However, they should devote this analysis to Obama – but they won’t.

    4. They refer to Venezuela as an example where a demogague, Hugo Chavez, was elected to power under a democratic system. However, one of the speakers mentioned that while Venezuela had a constitution similar to ours, Venezuela had six military coups. So what is it – is Venezuela, with six miliarty coups, like us or are we truly a democracy that has never had a military coup.

    The bottom line is the system these nimrods feel is threatened by Trump is not a democracy or representative government, but an static system run by elitists – i.e. them. If this is the kind of scholarly work Harvard produces, I would recommend students attend their local community college instead because it’s cheaper for the same bullshit.

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