As Adorable As A Pack Of Rabid Puppies – IOTW Report

As Adorable As A Pack Of Rabid Puppies

The Western press has been ga-ga over the more than 230 member cheerleading squad sent by North Korea to the Olympic games. They chant and perform choreographed moves in strict unison for the crowd. They did their collective best last night to support the unified Korean women’s hockey team as it went down to defeat 8-0 to Switzerland. More

Here’s video of them giving their totalitarian at the Olympics Watch.
Here they are cheering their little hearts out about unity or something at the hockey game Watch






18 Comments on As Adorable As A Pack Of Rabid Puppies

  1. That reminds me of why I quit watching THE AMAZING RACE, after they visited Vietnam Nam. They had the contestants sit through rote commie propaganda, performed by children. Disgusting.

  2. Aren’t these same liberal scum that are so impressed by NoKo military parades and precision movements the ones that are bashing a proposed US display of a military parade?

  3. Just trying to imagine living in a country where everyone looked somewhat similar, spoke the same language, and there were no toublemakers at all.
    There are no Blacks, no non-Korean Asians, no Christians, no Jews, no Muslims, no Hispanics, no Spanish/French/Italian/Hindu/Arabic, etc languages to overcome, no Eskimos for pete’s sake – just the look-alike, talk alike Koreans.
    What a marvelous blessing to be born and/or live in the USA. We don’t look alike, don’t speak the same language sometimes, certainly don’t think alike, and yet it’s the one place on earth where people born in other countries risk everything, including their own death, to share in our blessing.

  4. I was expecting placards to be raised in pixel-like unison. The cheer leading was very anoying.

    It looks like the Fat Boy with Bad Haircut was stealing his sister’s rations (if it really is his sister). She looks very thin in the photo.

  5. I pity these poor young women. They are cheering to keep their three generations alive. I am appalled that anyone would think it is “cute” or “impressive”. It is just horrific.

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