I find that this is an instant pick-me-up whenever I feel a little down – IOTW Report

I find that this is an instant pick-me-up whenever I feel a little down

47 Comments on I find that this is an instant pick-me-up whenever I feel a little down

  1. evidently always being wrong, as long as you are smug about it, is a prerequisite for showing the world how stupid you are on a consistent basis

    … but it is fun to watch them think they’re the smartest kids in show biz

  2. I cried when it was announced that Trump won! He has not disappointed me, he has made me happy. All those news announcers had to go check their underwear after their performance. I’m still gloating! GO TRUMP!

  3. I don’t make a habit of looking back. I try and be a man with a plan, and look forward. My main concern is me and mine. Looking back bleeds unnecessary energy and take ones eye off the ball. Things are looking better thanks to the fact we have an American Warrior in control.

  4. I cried when Trump won too.
    And I howled and jumped around. And I hugged my husband and thumped him on the back. And I thanked God. And I giggled and gloated and gloried in the VICTORY !!

  5. I have watched the half-hour version of The Young Turks on election night over and over again. So uplifting! It makes the victory that much sweeter to know that Cenk Uygur was forced to step down from the Justice Democrats, he helped form, over sexist comments he made in 2004. Thanks for making a petard big enough to hoist your lard ass onto and leaving a paper trail for others to find!

  6. Tommy, Joe,
    The new budget extension that was passed, ending the cap on military spending, and increasing the military budget, has cut me loose. Unshackled my shit. They can talk all they want about what a bad deal this was with deficit spending. But I’ve seen this Rodeo before. Military spending has one hell of a vendor multiplier. I love Jim Jordan, but he’s wrong. Watch and see.

  7. If it makes you feel any worse Larry, Trump won with the deck stacked against him and an insurance policy in place to take him down just in case.
    And for their troubles a large group of people that are your heroes are most likely going to jail. Enjoy.

  8. Hey those people got two things wrong.
    They misjudged the number of votes for Trump.
    They misjudged the crying too. Crying tears of joy outnumbered the crying tears of heart break over Hillary Losing.

    Hopefully there will be more tears of joy for a lot of convictions & long prison sentences.

  9. But the most asinine reporting came from Steve Kornacki of MSNBC. He was wrong on all 57 States. MSNBC promoted him a few weeks later. Runner for most asinine, was Rachel Maddow. But they all really sucked. Much to my enjoyment. MAGA!

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