Hooker about Weiner – “Apparently, he wasn’t bright enough to realize that emails and phone records leave trails too. What an Idiot” – IOTW Report

Hooker about Weiner – “Apparently, he wasn’t bright enough to realize that emails and phone records leave trails too. What an Idiot”

Standing O for the man who contributed to some of the destruction of the Hillary campaign!

A sex worker says Weiner kept 2 laptops sitting around that she had complete access to. The laptops in question, ostensibly, were the ones that classified information stored on them.

Gateway Pundit-

“He paid me in cash like a 17-year-old drug dealer because he ‘didn’t want to leave a trail.’ Apparently, he wasn’t bright enough to realize that emails and phone records leave trails too. What an idiot,” the woman recollected.

“For someone who claims to be tolerant, he sure talked a lot of sh-t about Huma and Muslims… and how she wouldn’t let him have liquor in the house,” the woman recalled.

Additionally, there was some shame about admitting that she had a physical affair with someone who “f***s like a mechanical robot (poorly) and has the worst O face in history,” she said.

ht/ all too much

18 Comments on Hooker about Weiner – “Apparently, he wasn’t bright enough to realize that emails and phone records leave trails too. What an Idiot”

  1. With so much to despise here, it is most revealing that not one opportunistic politician has grabbed these red flags and run with them, for personal career gain.
    But no, that the politicians are slow-rolling all this tells you clearly that they are all birds of a feather. Despicable, back-slapping bastards.

  2. Texts also leave a trail as the illustrious pair of FBI morons are learning every day as their daily text dump continues on. And these are supposedly the ‘best and brightest’ -please.

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