Young Donald – IOTW Report

Young Donald

Turns out The Family Circus can easily be turned into a comic strip about a young Donald Trump.

Gahead, try it-

27 Comments on Young Donald

  1. My Mom made me a sandwich. Its going to be huge!
    With chocolate milk in my thermos.
    COLD chocolate milk!
    And carrot sticks and some Hydrox cookies.
    This will be the greatest lunch ever!

  2. I played on the same football team as Jeffie. That’s not a caption. That’s an actual fact.

    Jeff Keane became a Disney cartoonist. He created the character of Beast in “Beauty and The Beast”

  3. Hey Joe Kennedy, you know that when you did your presentation to the class you had slobber all over your mouth you asshole. Oh and I’m a much better swimmer than your late Uncle Ted.

  4. Hey Chucky-Schumucky, see my lunch box. When I become President I’m going to give these to all the cheats so they can’t spend their food stamps on booze and drugs you chump.

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