Best In Show! Flynn (All I Care About Is Love) – IOTW Report

Best In Show! Flynn (All I Care About Is Love)

Flynn the Bichon Frise wins the Non Sporting Group | WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW (2018) | FOX SPORTS

This year, a Bichon Frise named Flynn (All I Care About Is Love) took best in show at the Westminster Dog Show.  You can see the winners in every class Here and can watch the cute little overall winner strut his doggie stuff, Here

I’ve heard great things about this breed and have thought if I ever owned another dog, the Bichon Frise would be high on the list of choices.  But for those wanting a pure breed, Gizmodo has a cautionary piece warning of the many problems observed in a number of well known lines, Here

17 Comments on Best In Show! Flynn (All I Care About Is Love)

  1. That was fun to watch last night. My sister attends almost every year. You get to go into the kennel area where they are preparing dogs, I guess it is great fun.
    I like watching because I think there are 3 varieties of cocker spaniels and every year you get to watch a stranger walk up to 3 cockers and touch them without getting bit. Pretty freaking amazing IMHO

  2. Did y’all hear the arena go quiet when the winner was announced? Seems like the audience wasn’t quite behind the choice.

    Not saying that’s a gay guy’s dog. But that’s a gay guy’s dog.

  3. My former roommate in AZ had a bichon mix named Charlie, he was a rescue dog on his last days when they got him.

    He was one of the neatest, friendliest and most playful dogs I ever met. I loved him dearly. She kept his fur clipped close, so he didn’t look like a puff ball, and he was cute as a button, he had the face of a baby seal.

  4. Hank, the Brewer’s mascot dog adopted during spring training a few years a go is a Bichon. Otherwise, all the cracks about them being preferred by gay men really queers the deal for me. I’m partial to black lab mixes anyway.

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