Why so much red tape just to feed cows? – IOTW Report

Why so much red tape just to feed cows?

Rand Paul asks the question but doesn’t really get an answer.

10 Comments on Why so much red tape just to feed cows?

  1. Sen Paul:
    “Is the current process too long, or is the current process just fine?”

    Dr. Solomon:
    “I think there’s always opportunities for improvement, and we’ll continue to look at those.”

    In other words, if you question red tape, you’ll get more red tape.

  2. Started during the Roosevelt era.
    Farmers either had to pay taxes on the grain that THEY grew for fodder, or had to sell it. This is the old socialist paradigm of cutting off the end of a blanket and sewing it onto the other end in order to make a longer blanket.
    The way to improve the economy (for all and sundry) is to punish the innovative, the industrious, the active, the intelligent, and those who attempt to “conserve” what they have.

    I’m not an economist (nor do I play on on the interwebz) but I’m fairly certain someone who knows how can trace all this bullshit back to the bull.

    izlamo delenda est …

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