The Burn Unit – IOTW Report

The Burn Unit

Shake ‘n Bake loved the “Burn Unit” post. He loves the idea of a recurring post where the left gets their asses toasted by a witty comeback, a truth bomb, a reality smack. I asked if there would be enough of them.

On cue, with no prompting, JC Lady sent this in. I guess it’s fate, and it’s a going to be a recurring post.

Send your burns in when you see them.


Dear God,
Why do you allow so much violence in our schools?
Concerned Student
Dear Concerned Student,
I’m not allowed in your schools.

22 Comments on The Burn Unit

  1. The hysteria and impotent rage of the anti-gun nuts is really tiresome. They don’t get it. No one is giving up their fucking guns, especially when the same forces that want to disarm everyone are perfectly okay with letting every gang banging psychopathic piece of shit on the fucking planet waltz into the US and set up shop. Fuck that shit. Plus, you know goddamn well that 90% of these anti-gun entertainment, sports, and media celebrities have guns up the wazoo at home. They are so full of shit. They just don’t want the demographics they hate to be armed, plain and simple.

  2. Exactly right. The best path to prevention of this type of violence is to stop it in the mind not at the school door. By belief in a just creator demanding a moral standard of behavior to treat others well. As they would want to be treated themselves.

  3. Chelsea Clinton Tweet: “One year of hell in Sheriff Opaio’s prison camp. He should never be allowed to escape justice.”

    President Trump Tweet: “Chelsea Clinton spent a year in jail? I didn’t think it was illegal to be ugly in Arizona.”

  4. The liberals are out in force saying that they don’t want any weapons and they should be banned.

    This simply illustrates the difference between a conservative and a liberal:

    If a conservative doesn’t like something, then he chooses not to buy it.
    When a liberal doesn’t like something, then he demands that NO ONE should have it.

    Strange how liberals go on and on that AR-15’s are a silly choice for hunting, therefore they are not what the founding fathers intended to be a right under the second amendment. I am still waiting for any liberal to please point out where the word or idea of “hunting” is in the second amendment.

    MSG Grumpy

  5. For over two hundred years guns have been woven into the fabric of these United States. Not only have we fought two world wars on foreign soil, but our guns have kept others from attacking us here en masse.

    Better to look elsewhere for something that has changed before you try to take away our guns.

  6. Where did this young man learn such hatred. From Hollywood movies with tons of violence and graphic scenes. From video games with endless lives that allow you to blow up everything and everyone.
    Or e was it the mainstream media that that memorializes these purveyors of hate and violence. Were his role models Black Lives Matter or Antifa?

    The gun didn’t teach him this.

  7. These school shootings could be stopped if teachers were armed or if to guy was bum rushed and beat to death by students. But being a hero isn’t taught any more.
    Just like after 911 people on planes people were not going to accept being sheep for slaughter.
    Yes they are only kids, but when you are raised up thinking there isn’t nothing greater than just surviving. Laying your life down if need be is how great men and women make history, see freedom 101.

  8. well most of Europe banned guns and look at them now 🙁
    muzzies everywhere with no fear of doing harm or damage.
    dont let it happen here in the USA- stay strong and if you want- stay armed. 🙂 have a great day..

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