Adam Schiff, meet Columbo! – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff, meet Columbo!

AT- There is an episode of Columbo from 1990 called Columbo Goes to College.  It tells the tale of two spoiled, entitled, and sociopathic young men who murder their professor after he catches them cheating on an exam.  So convinced of their own intellectual superiority are these two punks that they devise a way to kill said professor in a manner they are absolutely certain will never be discerned.  They even frame an innocent man without regard for his life, just for fun, because they can.  The father of one of the boys is a high-powered lawyer, equally arrogant as his son, if not more so.  The boys know without a doubt that they are smarter than the police, especially Detective Columbo, whose special talent is playing the fool when he is always ahead of the game.  They purposefully ingratiate themselves to Columbo, their guest professor, as self-appointed deputies in the investigation.  Of course, they are caught in the end; their arrogance melts away as Columbo demonstrates for all exactly how they committed the crime.  Their confidence in their own intellectual superiority is blasted to bits.

This old episode about the iconic rumpled detective who always solves the crime is hopefully soon to be analogous to the predicament Adam Schiff and his like-minded colleagues find themselves in today.  For over a year, the Democrats, especially Schiff, have been shouting “collusion with Russia” from the rooftops of the swamp.  It must be true, they say.  It is true, they insist.  They badly want it to be true.  But as we now know, none of it is true.  It was all a set-up, an “insurance policy,” a grand plan to prevent Trump’s election and, after he won, to ensure his eventual impeachment.  It had to work!  Otherwise, an administration from outside D.C. might uncover the many unconstitutional crimes of the FBI, the DOJ, the DNC, the ever corrupt Clintons, and the Obama administration, crimes committed to cover up crimes.

The moment Trump won, the plan to discredit him with the fake dossiers that had been commissioned and produced by the Clinton campaign escalated into high gear.  The major players on the left, HRC and the DNC, and the higher-ups in the FBI and the DOJ accelerated their operation and shifted into cover-up mode.  Trump had to be removed from office before he discovered and investigated their egregious underhandedness.  This bunch was all in to protect Hillary Clinton and destroy Trump.  These people were sure they would succeed.

The Columbo episode is distinctive for the all too common pretentiousness of these boys and the lawyer father.  Columbo plays the young murderers like a Stradivarius, the same way Trump plays the left and the mind-numbed, anti-Trump media.  While the viewer knows that Columbo is on to the murderers early on, he is never over-confident.  He solves his crimes with evidence.  The two boys are so self-righteous that they do not realize they’ve been caught until the very last moment.  MORE HERE

9 Comments on Adam Schiff, meet Columbo!

  1. I am of the opinion that something big is going to happen.Why? Well if your playing cards you don’t through your ace out thinking more will come, you have to have it all before you shoe your hand.
    Because we all know that the privileged politicians wlll never do the perp walk unless it is handled right we must be patient. I hpe I am not getting my hopes up only to be betrayed again by our legal system but….. I have been reading the Q stuff B.B. has been posting along with some other sites and justice may finally be served.

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