Ladies and Gentleman—THE LEFT—> – IOTW Report

Ladies and Gentleman—THE LEFT—>


Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than “adults” 18 and older. Wouldn’t it be great if the voting age were lowered to 16? Just a pipe dream, I know, but . . . ’sCrusade?


In May 2017, after the dismissal of James Comey, Tribe wrote: “The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice.” Tribe argued that Trump’s conduct rose to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors” that are impeachable offenses under the Constitution.[34] He added, “It will require serious commitment to constitutional principle, and courageous willingness to put devotion to the national interest above self-interest and party loyalty, for a Congress of the president’s own party to initiate an impeachment inquiry.”[34]

Tribe has stirred controversy due to his promotion of unreliably sourced and conspiratorial claims about President Trump.[35][36] Dartmouth political scientist Brendan Nyhan harshly criticized Tribe, saying that he “has become an important vector of misinformation and conspiracy theories on Twitter.”[35] According to McKay Coppins of The Atlantic, Tribe has been “an especially active booster” of the Palmer Report, “a liberal blog known for peddling conspiracy theories”.[37]

19 Comments on Ladies and Gentleman—THE LEFT—>

  1. I have a friend whose kids still believed in Santa Claus at age 11 & 13.
    I couldn’t believe it but it was true.
    A rare feat in this day and age but he and his wife were oh so grateful to have that innocence for just a bit longer.

    Teens have better BS detectors? Bwahhahahaha!

  2. wait! … they’re calling for no guns until you’re 21 because you are insufficiently immature
    buuuuuuuuuut … you should vote because science is wrong about brain development??? … smh!

    remember the movie ‘Wild In The Streets’? …. loved the ending, btw

  3. If you interview teens these days, they are too afraid to confirm that there are only two genders.
    Peer pressure PC bullshit has them running scared as it is.

    Yep, the future is so bright…I gotta wear shades.

    Teen-age wasteland…it’s only teenage wasteland.

  4. Bah, noone should be able to vote until they can support themselves, nowadays that would be about 27 (if then). Moreover, noone should get a vote if they are on the dole including anyone getting a government paycheck excepting military- colonels down.

  5. In a sense, he may be right, but only about those 14-to-18 year-olds who have been kept free from the conditioning and indoctrination of govt “schools” and unrestricted access to teevee. The home schooled youngsters I’ve known in that age group are remarkably perceptive; their cognitively abused contemporaries, not so much.

  6. Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than “adults” 18 and older.”

    Actual hard data, factual evidence means nothing to a piece of shit Libtard. If they can manage to get it out of their mouths it must be true. And the more they repeat it, the truer it becomes.

  7. Just an idle thought here, but I couldn’t help but think of North Carolina’s constitutional definition of an eligible candidate for elected office. In simple terms, if you are qualified to vote, you are qualified to hold office. Thinking of the U.S. constitution, and turning things around, how about requiring voters for House to be at least age 25, Senate at least 30, and to vote for President you’d have to be 35 or older?

  8. Okie dokie, but in exchange, make it so they are automatically registered for conscription and reintroduce the draft at 16.
    After all the original argument for the 18yo vote was…”old enough to fight, old enough to vote”.

  9. Pol Pot would nod in agreement. He used those oh-so-mature 15 year olds to round up and shoot their own parents after, (easily) convincing them that mom and dad were the reason they couldn’t have everything they wanted. Mao also used kids to “criticize” their elders and teachers as part of the Cultural Revolution.

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