Nunes Presses Current And Former US Officials Over Dossier – IOTW Report

Nunes Presses Current And Former US Officials Over Dossier

DC: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes sent letters Tuesday to more than a dozen current and former U.S. government officials asking about their knowledge of the infamous Steele dossier.

In the letters, Nunes submitted 10 questions covering when the officials learned of the dossier and how they handled the salacious and unverified document written by former British spy Christopher Steele.

The identities of the recipients are redacted from the letter, which a congressional source shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation. The recipients were described as “high-ranking” current and former government officials. Between one and two dozen letters were issued.

Nunes, a California Republican, threatened subpoenas if the officials did not comply with the letters.

“If you do not provide timely answers on a voluntary process, the Committee will initiate compulsory process,” he wrote.

In the letters, Nunes asks how the Steele information was presented to the government officials and whether they shared it with anyone else, including reporters.   MORE HERE

5 Comments on Nunes Presses Current And Former US Officials Over Dossier

  1. This letter accounts for the sounds of silence emanating from all those Clinton and Obama political hacks and Co-conspirators. They are all lawyered up. None of these letters will be answered by the recipients. Big, rich law firms about to get richer. The same people who couldn’t stay off CNN and MSNBC have suddenly gone silent. Even the Clintons have disappeared off the radar screen. They will all find themselves in front of a television camera pleading their Fifth Amendment Rights before too much longer. God speed, Congressman Nunes.

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