CPAC Cancels AFDI Panel on Leftist Suppression of Conservative Social Media – IOTW Report

CPAC Cancels AFDI Panel on Leftist Suppression of Conservative Social Media

“Gentleman, there’s no fighting in the war room!” – Dr. Strangelove.

Late last night Pamela Geller was told that her panel discussion wouldn’t take place if they didn’t remove a particular panelist.

This put her in a ridiculously ironic situation. She would have to suppress the speech of a fellow conservative in order to continue at CPAC with her scheduled program of panelists who were to discuss the suppression of conservative speech.

It wasn’t this irony that led to her decision to not remove the panelist. It was her fierce loyalty and her solid upbringing.


In case you’re wondering, Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit is the panelist that CPAC didn’t want to be associated with.


31 Comments on CPAC Cancels AFDI Panel on Leftist Suppression of Conservative Social Media

  1. CPAC today is more about virtue signaling RINOs parading as conservatives. I wish Trump and Pence boycotted. Even more shameful after seeing Twitter take out conservative followers overnight claiming they were Russian bots. Censorship is critical to highlight and defeat to maintain a free society.

  2. Did they get blowback over Hoft being involved — the same way they got blowback over inviting Milo last year? What was the reason given for wanting Hoft removed from the panel? Was Pam given one? I’d really like to know the backstory over this because I’m sure there is one.

  3. Gosh, I don’t know now. After reading the account of this situation at Breitbart, I rather wish the parties involved could have come to a different conclusion instead of what seems like a big loss to everyone who could have benefited from having this panel. The charges made against Geller by the APP guy reads more like dirty laundry being aired. It’s embarrassing. You know the legacy of CPAC and other conservative groups is circling the drain when everything devolves into personal attacks. I don’t think Hoft was excluded for his post on the FL shooting, anyway. The bottom line is the APP and, by association, CPAC are just as screwed up as social media when it comes to suppression of speech.

    I wish they’d all read the Art of the Deal and take some instruction from the president on how to get what you want and stop getting tripped up by egos, personalities and the rest. It’s always something like this happening in the conservative movement, isn’t it?

    I know everyone here is really loyal to Pamela Geller and some are personal friends. Her bravery and personal sacrifice to ensure free speech in the face of our very serious foes are peerless. We are indebted to her.

    Not trying to be provocative here, just thinking about the results instead of the process.

  4. CPAC has outlived its usefulness to the conservative cause, it has become an instrumentality of the swamp.

    I got in HUGE trouble about fifteen years ago when I simply pointed out that the “fellow employee recognition” awards have legitimacy for two, or perhaps three years at most. After the first couple years management types simply are incapable of not corrupting the process by which employees select their fellow employees to honor and it becomes just another way for management to reward their pets. A few years later my wife happened to be on the selection committee at her place of employment and resigned due to the corruption that had been introduced into the process there and came home pissed off about what had taken place and I told her that these awards have a useful lifespan and just accept that as a universal fact of life and it will not bother you.

  5. Zilla — Agreed!! LOL

    But here’s another perspective: it’s hard to change something as old as CPAC if you’re not there to influence it. While it may sometimes be satisfying to do the right thing today, I think a long-term view might have had more impact. For example, I might have agreed to their terms but announced to the CPAC attendees to this panel discussion what went on behind the scenes — now that would have been a revelation and a hot story.

  6. Pamela is very loyal to people who are loyal to her. No way in hell was she gonna cut Jim loose.
    Usually she ends up self funding a separate event at CPAC after they screw her over. But that is not easy to do without a lot of help and donations.

  7. 1) Bury CPAC with McCain.

    2) They even disowned Dinesh D’Souza after he tweeted a snarky bit about the Florida HS crisis actors being bummed out at the FL State Legislature NOT buying into their BS stunts and voting down more gun control.

    3) Pamela, you deserve better, anyway.

  8. Wait?………What?! CPAC? As in CONSERVATIVE Political Action Committee? That CPAC? Noooooooooooo……..Realllllllyyyyyyyyyy? Say it ain’t so, Joe.

    Maybe CPAC changed their name without telling anyone else. To……say…….COMMUNIST Political Action Committee. There. Yeah. That’s it. That fixed it. And they can keep the same initials, too.

    Like the ACLU….the American Communist Lawyers Union.

  9. Jim Hoft, among severl others, is currently being sued for defamation, and they will lose. He incorrectly identified the driver of the car that killed a woman at the Charlottesville attack. He identified a completely innocent and uninvolved father and son, Joel and Jerome Vangheluwe.

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