RIP Billy Graham – IOTW Report

RIP Billy Graham


17 Comments on RIP Billy Graham

  1. I am very thankful to my dad and mom who exposed us kids to Billy Graham. Any time the Billy Graham Crusades were on TV, we’d be watching it, and one time my dad even drove us to go see him. All I can think of is “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  2. I cannot imagine the peace with which this faithful servant followed God in his transition from this world to the next. I’m sure he is bathed in joy and light.

    Passing is not that way for everyone. As my mother-in-law passed, the hospice director — a pastor — noted that she was doing a great job. I did not understand his comment. He told me, “She is at peace with the transition she’s embarking on. She’s trusting and following God. I’ve watched hundreds of people die, and the ones who are full of faith move from this world to the next seamlessly. People who do not believe in God have a terrible time. They struggle and fight. They have only themselves to cling to, which is never enough, in the end. It is awful to watch.”

    I hope to go as a follower, not a helpless fighter!

  3. Have always held him in high regard. So glad I went to one of his Crusades at Texas Stadium when it first opened, I believe before the Cowboys had played a game in it. It’s now a construction site.

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