Obama Was No Tough Guy, And Putin Knew It – IOTW Report

Obama Was No Tough Guy, And Putin Knew It

DAILY CALLER: President Donald Trump clearly enjoys using his Twitter account to prime our already impish elites for a day of flailing, a week of wailing. This time, we were treated to career diplomats, professional babblers and esteemed fact-checkers, all in a hurry to show their man Barack Obama was, despite all objective evidence, a real tough guy.

Like a skinny-armed “Guernica,” the blob howled out its independent, completely individual rulings.

“President Trump Tweeted He’s Been Tougher on Russia Than Obama. That’s Not True,” Time magazine decreed. “Trump tweets that he’s been tougher on Russia than Obama — but he hasn’t been,” CNBC declared. “Mostly False,” Politifact chimed in. “No, Trump Hasn’t Been Harder on Russia Than Obama,” Mother Jones echoed a day later.

Nicholas Burns, a former Hillary Clinton adviser, tweeted that Trump hasn’t “defended us” from Russia, citing Obama’s expulsion of 35 diplomats, closing of two compounds and economic sanctions. The Hill, in its write-up, cited Mr. Burns as “a veteran U.S. diplomat and current Harvard professor,” notably leaving out his failed stint at electing Clinton. Pretty kooky.

But there’s more wrong here. More left out.

In addition to keeping the two Russian compounds closed over Kremlin protest, President Trump added three Russian compounds to the list.

In addition to keeping the Obama sanctions in place, President Trump’s Department of Treasury sanctioned 38 groups and individuals connected to Ukrainian separatists, froze assets on five of Vladimir Putin’s prominent allies, and began to roll out a new batch of congressionally mandated sanctions, providing a list of targets and a report on sanctions’ impact. Having provided these lists, the administration is currently well within its 120-day timeline to evaluate which targets have changed their ways or require the hammer.

But what else?  READ MORE

13 Comments on Obama Was No Tough Guy, And Putin Knew It

  1. Remember however that picture of him wearing his granny pants and riding the little girl’s bicycle just dripped masculinity for all the pajama boys of the Democrat party! They are still drooling these many years later!

  2. Putin had his number from the first time he saw that video of Obumbler and Mooch with the umbrella and the iron gate. The “work out” video just confirmed how “flexible” Osmidgen was going to be while he fundamentally transformed things for Putin’s benefit. Now, the country is tearing itself apart over nonexistent Russian Collusion. Putin couldn’t have scripted a more diminished adversary.

  3. If anybody had a compromising Russian dossier, it was Obama. Obama cringed before Putin for eight years. him to allege Russian kompromat on Trump is the height of projection.

  4. @Thirdtwin, before Obama was sworn in I expect Putin had the entire Soetoro dossier.
    Indonesian citizenship, Muzzie madrasa records, foreign exchange student applications with testimonials, travel records, mommy’s nudes, Obama Sr’s DUI convictions, the Dunham CPUSA membership, and enough gay down-low proofs to bury him.

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