Report: 4 Deputies Waited Outside School During Shooting – IOTW Report

Report: 4 Deputies Waited Outside School During Shooting

DAILY CALLER: According to a report by CNN’s Jake Tapper, four Broward County deputies waited outside of Stoneman Douglas High School while shooter Nikolas Cruz took the lives of 17 students and staff members inside.

Sheriff Scott Israel revealed on Thursday that the school resource officer on duty, Deputy Scot Peterson, “never went in” the school even though it was “clear” there was a shooting going on, but CNN’s new reporting reveals there were three other deputies who reported to the scene shortly thereafter also failed to enter the school and attempt to engage Cruz.

The report states that when Coral Springs police officers arrived on the scene, the four deputies were crouched behind their vehicles with their guns drawn and had not yet entered the school.

With some direction from the deputies, the Coral Springs officers entered the school. A new group of Broward County deputies also arrived, and two of them joined the Coral Springs officers in the school, along with an officer from Sunrise, Florida.

The Coral Springs officers claim that the four original deputies never followed them into the school. CNN’s sources said the officers were upset and stunned at the inaction by the deputies.  MORE

35 Comments on Report: 4 Deputies Waited Outside School During Shooting

  1. I thought the United States Attorney General thinks law enforcement consists of shaking down the public for whatever they’ve got and preventing reefer madness. It seems eveyone did all that was in the job description.

  2. This is so F’ed up I start leaning towards the whacked conspiracy theory angles. How could this of possibly been handle any worse? I read and obviously unsubstantiated report, that the SS visited this school earlier in the week. Bottom line, the only way to circumvent the chicken shit sheriffs and the possible “God Knows What” is arm the qualified teachers.

  3. Police don’t have any problems shooting a suspect that they thought had a gun or a drunk with a dull pocket knife. But when kids lives are hung in the balance, they just freeze up on point.

  4. Were they told to Stand Down ? The School officers probably use completely separate Comms, and that needs looking int’o.
    There are way too many holes in this tragedy, and Liberals would Bomb a city if it served their higher goal !

  5. None of this makes sense. None of it. False flag or not, the people that we are told are capable of protecting us, so you don’t need one of those nasty firearms, couldn’t do it. In fact they failed miserably. Here’s what I want to see out of the new gun laws. I’ll give up stronger back ground checks and increasing the age to 21 to purchase an AR or an AK in return for teachers carrying guns in school, the elimination of gun free zones, and Nation Wide Carry.

  6. Bad Brad might have the right idea. This is getting so bizarre. After living the 8 years of Obama, I feel like we are seeing the devil through every doorway. Some of the craziest conspiracy theories keep running through my mind and I just want to know the truth. Those 4 guys can’t all be chicken shits. What’s going on?

  7. Hey, cut the Cowards of Broward County some slack, according to Lawrence O’Donnell, bullets from a rifle travel 3X’s faster than from a pistol.

    And in a 20 yard gunfight, the time of flight for either round is pretty much immaterial.

    I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m willing to say that L O’D’s statement is the stupidest thing I’m ever going to hear in my life.

  8. If this is true people in that community should be especially angry about it.

    But are the majority already stampeding down the gun control road anf the noise of the stampede is preventing them from hearing this fact ?

  9. The FBI gets warned by a knowledgeable source that a known crazy white kid wants to shoot up a school. The corrupt progressive side of the FBI sees that as an opportunity to advance gun control and racist stereotypes.

    The rest is history.

    Break eggs, make omelets and all that.

  10. Joyce Carol Oates (yes, still alive, who knew?) tweets that Cruz had an “AK-15”.

    You can’t make this stuff up.

    So,she femsplains to us all, no mere mortal “guard” with a “conventional weapon” (????) could hope to overcome the unstoppable nuclear-holocaust firepower of the fearsome “AK-15”.

    Joyce Carol Oates. Poet. Feminist. Gun fighting pistolero supremo.

  11. Remember, kids, when seconds count, the police are minutes away…cowering in fear…hiding behind their vehicles…waiting for you to take a bullet, so they don’t have to.

  12. Hear a home intruder downstairs at 3 AM?
    Call 911. The police arrive and sit inside their vehicles, ordering pizza and checking Facebook while you struggle alone with the intruder/s. Eventually the SWAT team arrives to send in the Remote Robocop 9000 to “assess the interior crime scene”.

    Private first time gun sales are going to go through the roof.

  13. @Tsquared February 23, 2018 at 10:51 pm

    > Start over and hire Peace Officers that know what commitment and integrity means.

    Everybody in The Party knows what they mean. That’s why hiring decisions are made.

    (No. Seriously. No snark. If you have integrity, will you promise to follow orders, any orders, from whomever happens to be sitting on the throne today? If you’re hiring slingers for your guns, will you even consider someone whom you doubt is bereft of integrity? This isn’t that hard.)

  14. I would have defended the decision of -ONE- police officer not to enter a building from broad daylight that he could not see into but unknown shooter(s) could see out of. But FOUR?

    When seconds count, the police are just minutes away… and then they hide under stairwells and behind their cars while you’re shot to death.

    It just works better to call 911 after the intruder is dead.

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