Armed Antifa Group Attempted to Radicalize Mentally Ill Students at UT Austin – IOTW Report

Armed Antifa Group Attempted to Radicalize Mentally Ill Students at UT Austin

DANGEROUS: An armed communist militia group belonging to the larger Antifa movement states that its goal is to recruit and radicalize college students with mental health issues in Austin, Texas.

Far Left Watch reports that a far-left “anti-fascist” organization called Red Guards Austin, which glorifies Communist dictator Mao Zedong, and openly calls for armed revolt against “capitalists”, has a variety of cells to promote and diversify its message—one of which organizes at the University of Texas-Austin.

Dubbed the Revolutionary Student Front, the recently appeared in the news for holding “self-defense training” on campus and promoting the murder of police officers. In February, it published a 13,000 word document outlining its “Revolutionary Mental Health Program” covering its goals, failures, successes, and their shuttering of the program.

The document details the extremist group’s stated goal to target students with mental health problems and radicalize them into “active fighters” for the Antifa movement (Highlights by Far Left Watch READ MORE

11 Comments on Armed Antifa Group Attempted to Radicalize Mentally Ill Students at UT Austin

  1. “holding “self-defense training” on campus and promoting the murder of police officers.”
    Meanwhile, anyone moderately conservative can’t speak on your average U.S. college campus.

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