Canadian Cannibal Who Decapitated Victim on a Bus Walks Free – IOTW Report

Canadian Cannibal Who Decapitated Victim on a Bus Walks Free

  A Manitoba man has been set free after being found not criminally responsible by Canadian courts for decapitating and cannibalizing a passenger during a grizzly ride on a Greyhound bus.



Will Baker, also known as Vince Li, was granted an absolute discharge by Manitoba’s Criminal Code Review Board last Friday. The surprising decision lets Baker walk free without any requirement to be monitored by authorities.

In 2008 Baker murdered a 22-year-old carnival worker seemingly at random during a ride on a Greyhound bus. The Chinese immigrant suffers from schizophrenia leading him to be found the following year “not criminally responsible” due to mental illness.

Attorney Mary Goska made the case that Baker may still be a danger to the public if he is off his prescribed medication, reported the Winnipeg Sun.

“We should not lose sight of what occurred because it does speak to the threat,” pleaded Goska. “It’s clear that he can be a danger in certain circumstances.”  MORE

18 Comments on Canadian Cannibal Who Decapitated Victim on a Bus Walks Free

  1. Wow.

    A guy I worked for 20 years ago, who was becoming a dear friend, was killed by his schizophrenic brother who stabbed him with a kitchen knife. I guarantee that he does not roam the streets, although I doubt there was a criminal conviction.

  2. “CBC News has obtained a transcript of a portion of the interview by Summerville, who said he conducted it in hopes of giving the public a more complete picture of Li and his current mental state.

    The unjustified public fears about Li will probably keep him in a mental-health hospital longer than necessary, Summerville said.” – CBC, 2012

    No. I’d say public fears are completely justified, considering;

    Up to 25 per cent of people who will have a psychotic break with reality will never experience another psychotic episode. Up to 65 per cent will experience a degree of recovery in order to live a meaningful life. Ten per cent will take their life by suicide due to the losses associated with schizophrenia. – The same Summerville, National Post, 2012

    Somerville is CEO for the Schizophrenia Society of Canada. Looking at his CV, the field is his life’s work. I wouldn’t have led off with that first stat myself.

    I once drove for Big Multinational MegaCorp’s transportation division as a motorcoach charter driver. As part of the US contract, the company had – had to – cover part of the local Greyhound’s routes, as well as fun things like FEMA evacs and illegal alien/prisoner repatriation via air, though not the helicopter ride often wished for by many. The one facet that I really didn’t like was the big dog. Kate from SDA covers stories about them stating “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”. Yep. I had already dealt with several iffy passengers who garnered the attention of Border Patrol checks, as well as the like-minded unbalanced general population. As much fun as the charters were, I’d really had enough. My last day with BMM was the day this happened in Canada. I was relieved that I was done. If I had been that driver, I would be damaged or dead.

    I hope he is mandated to at least stay in a halfway house or well-run closed community. A lot of people in his situation eventually give their meds a miss. Side effects, willfulness or just had enough. The symptoms of non-compliance are a lot more subtle than a diabetic missing their shot and going on the town with ice cream and booze. The eventual consequences can be devestating.

  3. If they are willing to expose Canadians to this risk, then these judges should be put on a very long greyhound bus ride with this psycho, who apparently ran out of his meds. Bring plenty of napkins!

  4. There are many days I think I forget to take my daily medicine.
    “Did I take that today?”
    But the ramifications do not mean someone dies in a gruesome manner.
    With this guy, forgetting one day will likely lead into a second day. Then a week. Then eventually someone gets hurt.

  5. This is the thinking that has brought us to this place —

    Mentally ill people must not be ostracized, locked up, forcefully helped because it violates their civil rights. (who cares about the gen. population civil rights?) It began in the US when they closed most all of the beds in the psych hospitals and allowed “freedom” for those who were unable to care for themselves. Many (most?) of our own homeless population would be cared for, fed, sheltered, clothed in a hospital if this liberal idiocy had not been allowed to happen.

    There just seem to be more liberal idiots in Canada than I care to speculate.

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