He licked my face and I knew right then I had to fight for this dog” – IOTW Report

He licked my face and I knew right then I had to fight for this dog”

Nice Deb has posted a story on PJ Media that is right up there with some of the worst cases of heartless, sociopathic animal abuse I have ever read.

But this dog, Trooper, was too tough for evil.

He was shot, hit on the head with a hammer, and laid paralyzed for several weeks. Through it all, this yellow lab licked the face of the rescuer that found him.

They found the guy who did it. He admitted it, said what he did and did not express and ounce of regret or remorse. He’s expected to be arrested soon for animal cruelty.

Point me to this monster.  I could drop the cyanide pill into the chamber he is locked in. I could do it while carrying on a conversation about gum, and not miss a beat.

All lives matter???? Pfffffffffft. The person who did this does not matter. Not at all.

Kill it.

ht/ lady in red


46 Comments on He licked my face and I knew right then I had to fight for this dog”

  1. I read this 1/2 an hour ago. If ever any (alleged) human being earned extermination it is the sick freak that did this. A bullet to head is too easy for this monster.

    The dog is definitely a fighter. There are really good therapies available especially for paralysis in dogs. There are also some really innovative dog carts that allow for a close to normal life.

  2. How are there people in this country so heartless and so horrible and so evil? Cruelty to animals and the death penalty should go hand in hand-it might be the only thing that a lefty and a righty could agree on.
    What a sad story. 😢

  3. Having a yellow lab myself, I was pissed and sick when I read this. And I agree with Russian Bot about “predictors of violence towards humans is inhumane violence towards animals” (see Nikolas Cruz).
    It’s cases like this that make me want to bring back the ancient practice of sticking a head on a spike as a warning to others.

  4. I see stories like this in news posts most every day and I find myself avoiding reading them. I really can’t bear to know the details because it’s really depressing.
    I agree, the person so cold as to be able to do that is sick and should be watched closely because its an indicator that there’s more to come.

  5. Other comments indicate people who have a bit more humanity left in them than I possess, I’d like to kill him too, only I would like to take my time and let the pig feel what its like for a while, let him scream a little first.

  6. There’s a big percentage chance Trooper may never walk again….. but he lived three weeks in a ditch, without food or water, paralyzed. That’s tough stuff. I would not bet against Trooper.

    Whatever happens, he has twenty adoption applications waiting already. Some good things are coming to him. …..Lady in Red

  7. I’ve got mixed feelings about where people always go with this topic. Could not be happier for the dog but there’s a larger issue here.

    I am 100% against needless cruelty to all animals, especially dogs but also cockfighting, bullfighting, and Mohammedans pushing donkeys off of cliffs, cutting the heads off of live cats (BNI has the pics) and human/animal sex porn (I hear such is big, especially in reprobate Germany). I hate grown people who are cruel to animals for fun – kids can be stupid and not realize any better – but adults have no excuse. I don’t want to know them, don’t want to live next door to them. I do want to see them punished to the fullest extent of the law when they are needlessly cruel to animals.


    I do not believe that people – however evil they may be – should be put to death for animal cruelty. The reason is, that subtly equates animal life with human life. THEY ARE NOT EQUAL. The lowest human scum is still higher in God’s reckoning than the noblest, gentlest animal. Societally speaking, do we act as if that is true? We used to, but those days are long gone.

    Should people by angered by this? YES. But today, people tend to get more incensed and weepy over stories like this than over the 40 years of (now) background noise over legalized infanticide and millions of murdered babies. THAT scares me far more because the fact remains: in God’s design, it always has been and always will be that Man, however wicked, is more than animal. His Son didn’t die for animals; animals cannot sin. But He did die for the lowest of the low… “for where sin did abound, grace did MUCH MORE abound.”

    So saying “a life for a life” because of animal cruelty is, to me, a backdoor into evolutionary thinking…saying Man is a higher form of animal but just another animal, and depending on circumstances, possibly on a lower order than actual beasts. It’s a very subtle and seductive denial of God’s created order and I can’t go along.

    Would I like to see such people do 20 years for being sociopathic monsters without empathy even for a dumb animal? Oh yes. Rid society of them because if they have no sympathy for animals, they likely won’t for humans.

    But MURDERING them because they were cruel to animals is, itself, rather animalistic. Pagan, even.

    Aim your torches at the driest kindling at my feet. It’ll be quicker than way.

  8. Well, Grool, ya got a problem with me! Yes, ALL creatures are equal in the eyes of God and it is only the impudent arrogance of (some) folk who, inappropriately, rate themselves higher, ….says all pregnant women must be forced to birth because….. ….because why, exactly? Because God says people are more important than Trooper? …..smile…

    (Nikolas Cruz’s “older,” adoptive parents paid a hospital $50K for that three day old baby and more money, a year later, for his half brother. Cruz’s mother was a drug addict and no one has any idea who either father is. It’s pretty prima facie obvious that Nikolas has had a troubled life, to date: most boys don’t clutch dead birds against their genitals in school. And, it won’t get better, now. I think Nikolas would have been “happier” if he had never existed outside the womb; breeding counts.)

    As long as we persist in the argument of superiority, not merely loving dominion, over other creatures, we will separate ourselves from God. We are different from Trooper, the yellow lab, but we are not superior, better. God is in all creatures, great and small, no more, no less.

    Sometimes, thoughtfully and lovingly, we need to cull herds and creatures — and potential humans. It needs to be done. God understands.

    I’ve no desire to burn you at the stake for your arrogance, Grool, but I would like to see you — and some others — develop a more humble sense of place in God’s world. When you can truly see God in all living things, the sense of wonder will expand your awe, your ability to plug into the power and the love that every living creature shares with you. ….Lady in Red

  9. Grool, I don’t disagree, however….
    The pedophiles and the beasts of the world need to be removed from the gene pool to eliminate their bad genes.
    Like pruning a bush
    That is the proper evolutionary response.
    Their genes are flawed and must not be allowed continue

  10. Lazlo,

    Pardon me but you shifted the goal post a little there. I’ve said here as often as anyone: child rape = tree, rope, done. But that’s still a very different matter from animal cruelty.

  11. Red,

    If you want to pretend that God put animals on the same level as people, that’s you’re right. But His Word says you’re wrong and I’m not arrogant in simply quoting Him.

    I’m all for prison for people who are cruel to animals. Remove them from society.

    You, it seems, support murdering people just to avenge animals.

    People who think that way scare me more than animal cruelty does. It’s similar reasoning to those who say the human population should be reduced so animal populations can thrive. It’s equivalence, which is a denial of God’ Word.

  12. You are twisting my words, Grool. I would suggest that you look to God for an understanding of his word. And, yes, you are arrogant, indeed! And it is not attractive. ….Lady in Red

  13. G, I understand your point
    I have planted my own goalposts in a different spot. But I understand where you are coming from and you have been consistent.
    Speaking for me alone: Our gift of dominion does not excuse or allow cruelty. With great gifts comes great responsibility.

  14. Such a sick horrific thing to do…
    If I had the opportunity I’d lop off the hands of the person who did this, can’t hurt anyone else if you don’t have hands. 😐

  15. “Speaking for me alone: Our gift of dominion does not excuse or allow cruelty. With great gifts comes great responsibility.”

    EXACTLY, sir, agreed 100%. But in my opinion, what some people are advocating against other humans (evil ones, I grant you), in the name of animals, is itself another form of evil.

  16. The more I learn about people the more I LOVE my dog…so,…assholes?

    Listen up! Ya’ listening?


    Hurt my dog they’ll never find all of you!

    Think: wood chippers and catfish…end of discussion!

  17. @Illustr8r: Bro? They took away God and replaced Him with video games and fatherless homes…

    I’m with you! I see someone being cruel to an animal, that ass IS being whooped!


    Even if it takes a ball bat, that ass IS whooped!
    and they better hope I don’t decide to follow them home!

    I am, without a doubt, one of the nicest, kindest, gentlest people I know…but I have “history”, a VERY ‘not-so-pleasant-history’ and that history can bite your ass off you’re not careful!

    wood chippers and cat fish!

  18. @BadBrad:: Same here though ours, Eli, is a mastiff/ pit bull mix, just turned 2 at 102lbs….I hear his dreams, he’s gone through some thing…no more though! That’s a promise I made to him…NO MORE!

    Never-mind the dog…BEWARE of his owner!

  19. It takes every bit of peace out of me to read stories like this. Monday I’m going to buy 2 20# bags of dog food and drop one off at the SPCA and one off at PAWS. I can’t adopt a dog, we’ve already adopted a feral cat, they are God’s creatures and defenseless. I don’t want to be pissed off today, so I’ll avoid reading any more stories like this.

  20. I just can’t read the article linked. It’s bad enough just reading the summary.

    BFH – I’m with you 100%. I’ll help you with whatever you have in mind for this worthless piece of so-called humanity. Society needs to be rid of people who can do such things to defenseless animals or children.

  21. “Grool-

    I’m willing to go to hell ridding this mortal coil of monsters so that others can get into heaven.

    You’re welcome.”

    – BFH

    I don’t think you’re arrogant for saying that. I sympathize, even though I disagree. Justice, though fallen in the street, was given to Man. But VENGEANCE belongs to God alone because He alone is the sole righteous Judge before Whom nothing can be hidden. And that Day is coming.

    What many always advocate whenever a story like this pops up is vengeance for animals, up to and including murder.

    If blowing away an abortion doctor is still revenge and murder (and it is), much more so would be murdering Michael Vick or the old Mexican dude down the street with a pen full of fight-maimed roosters. But there is no logical difference between them…if anything, murdering the abortionist is rationally more justified.

    But that is not justice. It’s just murder.

    PS I hope you don’t but IF you end up in the Lake of Fire, it’ll be for a whole other reason (

  22. Speaking of that. This is no lie.

    About 45 minutes ago a Jehovah’s Witness woman from New Yawk (ex-Catholic she said) left my porch knowing the true saving Gospel – that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again for our justification (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Said she’d look it up in her JW bible in the car as her husband came and got her. No idea whether she’ll believe it, but at least now she knows it, and all are judged according to the light they have, not according to the light they didn’t have.

    Does anyone want to explain if telling her the good news of Christ and Him crucified was arrogant of me?

  23. Arrogant, Grool? …..smile…. Don’t chafe, but, yep, arrogant. Arrogance is presuming to know what we cannot know.

    We each come to God in our own time, in our own way. The paths twist and wind; few are straight.

    But God is in all things, not a Big God in me and a Little Bit of God in suffering dog Trooper. Truly, the suffering dog, Trooper, is *not* a lesser being — only different. (And for all the skills you have, Grool, which Trooper lacks, he’s got a handful you are missing! …smile…)

    God “allows” people to kill and eat animals and food, but, like the Indians, you should be respectful and kind about what you need to eat….. ….when you need to kill any living creature.

    God knows, sometimes, it is necessary to cull herds. God didn’t mean for us humans — arrogantly! — to breed like cockroach rat-humans, overpopulating and overwhelming nature, nasty in our superiority: we are a *part* of nature, only.

    It is a balance, Grool.

    (…If we get too cocky, arrogant about our superiority, he’ll just step in with some pestilence or disease — or a big bomb?)

    God’s tears for the suffering of poor Trooper are as great as those for you and your sometimes suffering.

    And think, just perhaps: Maybe the “evil” man who shot, hammered the head of poor Trooper and then drove him miles away to dump the suffering dog in a ditch was never — in God’s plan — supposed to have lived in the first place. Maybe? Maybe, like the sad, sorry Nickolas Cruz, clutching a dead bird against his cock and balls in class, he was “someone” God intended, hoped, would never be in the first place.

    Just think. …..Lady in Red

  24. Does anyone want to explain if telling her the good news of Christ and Him crucified was arrogant of me?

    Not at all. Nor are your comments here.

    I just don’t believe that every living human being deserves to be living on this planet. And we have precedent for execution in this country for people who did not commit murder.
    6 states have the death penalty for the rape of a child.
    We have the death penalty for treason, espionage and kidnapping.

    So, eye for an eye is out the window.
    To use a line from an old joke, “we know what we are, we’re just quibbling over the price.”

    I said I can “drop the cyanide pill into the chamber he is locked in.”
    My reference alludes to a state sanctioned execution. So, no, it would not be murder.

  25. Just to let you know, I didn’t read beyond the fact that he was shot and hit – then I stopped. I just don’t have the heart to read further. I glanced at your comments and am glad I didn’t read it. I know it happens, I just don’t have to be reminded.

    I do what I can when I see it happen. I called the cops on my neighbor when he kicked his dog (they removed the dog and he never got it back).

    I stopped my car in the middle of the road and got out to yell at a guy trying to stop his dog from barking at another dog by hanging him off the ground on his collar. The guy started moving toward me yelling at me to mind my own business. I met him face to face and yelled back that someone abusing an animal IS my business. He backed off. Realized how foolish I was after I got in the car and continued down the road.

    So, I’m not afraid to confront it, I just don’t need to hear about it if I can’t do anything but get angry and cry over it.

  26. Just Kell

    I have two yellow Labs living with us. The wifes and my dog which we got when he was 8 weeks. Really good breeder. I hit it off with the breeder because she was also a duck hunter. She emailed me about 4 months after we picked up our pup and told us she had “Physically” taken back a pup from the same litter. The couple that purchased this dog, an $850.00 dog, were keeping him in a chicken coop. With the chickens. Well eventually the dog killed a chicken and the beat the dog pretty good. Long story short we ended up with the dog. It took 6 months for that dog to stop cowering if you called his name. Now both dogs think they own the place. I have no tolerance for animal abusers. If I witnessed it, I’d go red. And I do hunt. But these are pets, and obviously this wasn’t a clean kill.

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